davis3d Dynamic Anatomy Visualization in 3-D


3-D model
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Head maxillary sinus, closed maxillary sinus, open
infratemporal fossa
infratemporal fossa with pterygoid muscles
sphenoid internal carotid
orbit hypoglossal muscles
middle ear middle & inner ear
Trunk heart
pelvis w/ ligaments ♀ pelvis w/ ligaments & muscles ♀
pelvis w/ ligaments, muscles & arteries ♀
urogenital ♂ prostate
inguinal canal ♂



Select a model by clicking on one of the ‘radio’ buttons . Rotate the model by using the green controller: the current view is indicated by the pink square; click on it and drag the mouse to rotate the model. Or use the triangles above the model ▲ ▼ ◀ ▶ to rotate and the circle ● to reset to the initial position; use + and to switch between large and small images.

To be able to zoom in and out and to see structure labels, use a free VRML viewer such as our Thrup’ny. If you have such a viewer, click on a red cube Red cube to download a model or to view it directly.

Alternatively, try the test version of our Thrwp’ny 3-D viewer.


‘endoscopy … laparoscopy … CT … MRI … three-dimensional visualization … knowledge of gross anatomy has become increasingly important, not only to interpret the images that are produced by these sophisticated techniques, but also to understand the pathway for targeting therapy to a specific site.’
(McCuskey RS, Carmichael SW & Kirch DG, ‘The importance of anatomy in health professions education and the shortage of qualified educators’, Academic Medicine 80: 349-351, 2005)

‘I think they only fill medical students with anatomy like they used to fill kids with brimstone and treacle. The experience is obviously so unpleasant, everybody agrees it must be doing them good.’
(Gordon R, Doctor in Clover, Joseph, London, 1960)

Most of the pelvis models were developed with the help of Dr. Elaine Davis for use in her anatomy lectures in Unit 3 of the Basis of Medicine component of McGill's undergraduate medical and dental curriculum. Some of the head models were developed with the help of Dr. Gary Bennett for use in his lectures in Unit 6 of BOM, and of Dr. Karen Samonds for use in her lectures in the course Head and Neck Anatomy, part of Unit 10 for dental students. The inguinal-canal and hypoglossal models were mainly developed by students under the supervision of Dr. Geoffroy Noel. Any inadequacies are the responsibility of Dr. Robert Funnell.

The pelvis and head models are based on the female and male data from the Visible Human Project of the NLM. Earlier versions of the models were developed by medical and dental students under the supervision of Dr. R. Funnell and P. Warrick, with assistance from Dr. A. Behiery, in the context of the Molson Medical Informatics Student Projects.

The heart model is based, with permission, on a model developed in 1996 by C. Siegel at New York University.

The ear model is based on magnetic-resonance microscopy data (scan S16885) obtained from O.W. Henson, Jr., and M. Henson (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); the MRM scan was conducted by the Center for In Vivo Microscopy at Duke University. The model was created by D. Nicholson with input from R. Funnell and S. Daniel, and was the basis for an article by them and C. Chalk.

Other 3-D anatomy resources

2-D anatomy resources

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution–Noncommercial–Share-Alike 2.5 Canada License.

See the Wikipedia article on Bridgeman Art Library v. Corel Corp., and especially the cited case ‘Meshwerks vs. Toyota’, for a discussion of issues related to the question of whether one can copyright 3-D models based on either 2-D images or 3-D original objects.

R. Funnell
Last modified: 2024-11-25 18:36:11