Basic Computer Notions Word-processing techniques

Next Introduction Creating a header on every page Creating automatic page numbers Using styles for headings and subheadings Creating automatically numbered headings Creating an indented quotation Inserting an empty 2 Creating a header on every page Creating automatic page numbers 10 of 13 Creating automatically numbered headings Creating an indented quotation Inserting an empty 2

Using styles for headings and subheadings

Styles menu Use the drop-down Styles menu Drop-down Styles menu on the toolbar to select Heading 1 for headings, Heading 2 for subheadings, etc.

In Word 2000, if the drop-down Styles menu is not on the toolbar by default, click on the More buttons icon 'More buttons' icon. Then click on Add or Remove Buttons and make sure that Style: is selected. There seems to be a bug in at least some versions, so the Styles menu at first doesn't appear on the toolbar even if selected. Unselecting it and then selecting it again seems to resolve the problem.

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R. Funnell

Last substantive modifications 2002 Mar 16
Last modified: Tue, 2007 Mar 6 20:32:02

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