Basic Computer Notions Word-processing techniques

Next Introduction Creating a header on every page Creating automatic page numbers Using styles for headings and subheadings Creating automatically numbered headings Creating an indented quotation Inserting an empty 2 Creating a header on every page Creating automatic page numbers Using styles for headings and subheadings 11 of 13 Creating an indented quotation Inserting an empty 2

Creating automatically numbered headings

  1. Select Format then Bullets and Numbering ....
  2. In the Bullets and Numbering dialogue box, select the Outline Numbered tab and then select one of the numbering styles that includes the word Heading. Click on OK.
  3. The next line you type will be formatted as your first top-level numbered heading. After you press Enter at the end of the heading, the next line will be treated as normal text, not a heading.
  4. To create another heading, click on the style drop-down list
    and then select the desired level of heading.

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R. Funnell

Last substantive modifications 2002 Mar 16
Last modified: Tue, 2007 Mar 6 20:32:02

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