Basic Computer Notions Beyond HTML

Next Introduction Intellectual property Style sheets Style sheets (cont'd) External style-sheet file External style-sheet file (cont'd) Styles within the head Styles within the body Styles within the body (cont'd) Controlling spacing Controlling spacing (cont'd) CSS2 Further information XML XML (cont'd) XML (cont'd) XML (cont'd) MathML MathML (cont'd) MathML (cont'd) MathML (cont'd) MathML (cont'd) XML for other areas XML for other areas (cont'd) XML for other areas (cont'd) XSL and XSLT Example XML file Corresponding XSL file Resulting HTML Javascript Java Cookies 33 of 57 RSS Semantic Web Uniform Resource Identifiers Uniform Resource Identifiers (cont'd) OID's OID's (cont'd) OID's (cont'd) OID's (cont'd) Use of OID's in HL7 XML Resource Description Framework Resource Description Framework (cont'd) Resource Description Framework (cont'd) Resource Description Framework (cont'd) Resource Description Framework (cont'd) Ontologies Ontologies (cont'd) Applications in medicine Applications in medicine (cont'd) Applications in medicine (cont'd) Web services Typical application Typical application (cont'd) Potential medical applications

Push vs. pull

Push technology is (was?) a method of automatically notifying you about new Web content. What appears to be 'pushing' is often really automated 'pulling' by your Web browser.

Microsoft and Netscape advocate two incompatible approaches.

For Microsoft, a channel is a Web site described by a Channel Definition Format (CDF) file (using XML). The CDF file defines a hierarchy of pages, how the pages will be used or displayed, and when they should be updated.

Netscape's Netcaster uses standard HTML, Java and JavaScript to define and control channels.

There are (were?) also other approaches.

It now seems that all of the above describes a bright idea which didn't work out. E-mail works just fine as a way of pushing information to people (so well that it often degenerates into spam).

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R. Funnell

Last modified: Thu, 2007 Mar 8 09:45:21

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