Camel's head Computer Applications in Medicine Elective

1998 January


1. Choose an article

Due Jan 20.

Choose an article related to computers in medicine. E-mail me the title, author and source of the article.

The article should be at least four pages long, and should have been published in the scientific literature within the past two years.

2. Read and summarize article

Due Jan 21.

Read the article chosen in assignment 1. Prepare a summary (double spaced, about two pages long) using a word processor. The summary should include (1) the objectives of the article, (2) highlights of the article, and (3) your own comments about the article. These three parts should be of roughly equal size and should be clearly indicated by headings.

Your document should contain automatically numbered headings; some italics and bold text; a short indented quotation from the article; automatic page numbering; a header on each page; and space for a 2"-by-2" image with the text wrapping around it. FTP the word-processing document to your account on Mystic. E-mail me the name of the file and which word processor you used (either WordPerfect or Word).

3. E-mail discussion list

Due ?.

Choose an e-mail discussion list related to health care. Subscribe to the list, and e-mail me the official description of the list by ?.

Monitor the list for two weeks and e-mail me a brief report about it.

4. Read and summarize book chapter

Due Jan 26.

Read one of the Applications chapters from either Osheroff or Shortliffe & Perreault. Prepare a summary (same requirements as for your article summary, but don't worry about the italics and bold, indenting, header and graphics box) and e-mail it to me as an attachment.

5. Medline search

Due Jan 26.

Do a Medline search related to the topic of the book chapter you're reading, indentifying a small number of recent and particularly relevant articles. The final search itself should produce no more than ten articles, from which you should select the two or three most relevant. E-mail me a concise description of your search strategy and the results. Append the actual search output from Peruse to your e-mail message.

6. Web search

Due ?.

Do a Web search to find two or three Web pages particularly relevant to the chapter you're reading. E-mail me a description of your search strategy and the results.

7. Read and summarize second book chapter

Due ?.

Read one of the Applications chapters from either Osheroff or Shortliffe & Perreault (whichever book you did not choose the first time). Prepare a summary, with comments, and e-mail it to me as a plain text file.

8. Binary numbers

Due ?.

Send me an e-mail message containing your birth date with both decimal and binary numbers for the year, month and day. (You only need to include the last two digits of the year, e.g., 96.)

9. Read and summarize a second article

Due ?.

Choose a topic for a second article. The topic should be different from that of the article that you read for Assignment 1. E-mail me a description of the topic by ?.

Read the article and prepare a summary with comments. E-mail it to me as a plain text file.

10. Creation of Web pages

Due Jan 30.

Prepare Web pages and install on Mystic. As a minimum, you should have HTML files containing the four article and chapter summaries that you've written, plus a home page containing links to the four summaries. Each HTML file must contain the required elements discussed in class.

11. Case presentation

Bonus. Due Jan 30.

Create a patient case presentation for display on your Web site. Include a relevant multiple-choice question, with links to pages explaining why each answer is right or wrong. If you bring me an illustration relevant to the case, I'll scan it and give you a GIF file which you can include on your Web page. The material can be either colour or black-and-white. You can bring it to class, and I'll return it after scanning. Note that we can't include copyrighted material on Web pages without permission from the copyright holder.
Last modified: Thu Jan 29 05:41:23 1998