Camel's head Computer Applications in Medicine Elective

Textbook on reserve

Other books in Health Sciences Library

The following is a partial list of other medical-informatics books in the Health Sciences Library:
Handbook of research on informatics in healthcare and biomedicine A.A. Lazakidou (ed.) 2006 Idea Group Reference, Hershey, PA xxx+437 pp. W26.5
Health information on the Internet: a study of providers, quality, and users R. Cullen 2006 Praeger, Westport, Conn. x+256 pp. W26.5
Handhelds in medicine: a practical guide for clinicians S.M. Strayer, P.L. Reynolds & M.H. Ebell (eds.) 2005 Springer, New York xx+463 pp. W26.55
C7 H236
Consumer health informatics: informing consumers and improving health care D. Lewis et al. (eds.) 2005 Springer, New York xxi+258 p. W26.5
E-health care information systems : an introduction for students and professionals J. Tan (ed.) 2005 Jossey-Bass (San Francisco) xxxi+589 pp. W26.55
I4 E33
Transformation of healthcare with information technologies M. Duplaga, K. Zielinski & D. Ingram (eds.) 2004 IOS Press, Amsterdam & Washington, DC ix+350 pp. W26.5
E-health: current situation and examples of implemented and beneficial e-health applications I. Iakovidis, P. Wilson & J.C. Healy 2004 IOS Press, Amsterdam & Washington DC xvi+251 pp. W26.5
E-Health: current status and future trends G. Demiris (ed.) 2004 IOS Press (Amsterdam) ix+145 pp. W26.5
The medical professional's guide to handheld computing C. Helopoulos 2004 Jones and Bartlett (Boston) vi+207 pp.
C7 H36m (MGH)
Medicine meets virtual reality 12: building a better you: the next tools for medical education, diagnosis, and care
(also volumes from 2000-2003)
J.D. Westwood et al. 2004 IOS Press (Amsterdam) xiv+428 pp. W26.5
Healthcare information systems K. Beaver (ed.) 2003 Auerbach, Boca Raton, FL xi+507 pp. W26.55
I4 H435
Information retrieval: a health and biomedical perspective, 2nd ed. W.R. Hersh 2003 Springer, New York xiv+517 pp. W26.55
I4 H572i
Understanding medical information: a user's guide to informatics and decision making T.J. Jordan 2002 McGraw-Hill, New York xvi+304 pp. W26.5
Clinical knowledge and practice in the information age: a handbook for health professionals J.C. Wyatt 2001 Royal Society of Medicine Press, London ix+93 pp. W26.5
Don't leave IT to the geeks: taking charge of the IT planning process in acute chronic, and long-term care R.H. Irving 2001 Pheasant Ridge Creations, Port Perry (ON) xi+180 pp. W 26.55
I4 IR8
Health management information systems: methods and practical applications, 2nd edition J.K.H. Tan 2001 Aspen Publishers (Gaithersburg, MD) xx+380 pp. W26.5
Advanced infrastructures for future healthcare A. Marsh, L. Grandinetti and T. Kauranne (eds.) 2000 IOS Press, Amsterdam & Washington DC viii+550 pp. W26.5
Health care resources on the internet: a guide for librarians and health care consumers M.S. Wood (ed.) 2000 Haworth Information Press, New York xxi+205 pp. W26.5
Medical information on the Internet: a guide for health professionals, 2nd ed. R. Kiley 1999 Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh   New York xiv+160 pp
Medicine & the information age J.S. Rose 1998 American College of Physician Executives, Tampa (FL) xx+278 pp. W26.55
I4 R796m
Ethics, computing, and medicine: informatics and the transformation of health care K.W. Goodman (ed.) 1998 Cambridge University Press (Cambridge) x+180 pp. W26.5
Et3 (MGH)
Handbook of medical informatics, J.H. van Bemmel & M.A. Musen (eds.) 1997 Springer (Houten) xxxiv+621 pp. W26.5

Selected Web sites on medical informatics

Robert Funnell
Last modified: Thu, 2007 Mar 8 12:52:28