I would like to take this opportunity to thank the different people that contributed
in the creation of this web site.
First, I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Funnell, for all his support and guidance.
Your help was truly appreciated.
Also great thanks to Dr. Salim Abou, Dr. S. David and Rene G. van Wijhe for their support.
The Sourcebook of medical illustration : over 900 anatomical, medical, and scientific
illustrations available for general re-use and adaptation free of normal
copyright restrictions.
Edited by Peter Cull ; drawings by Louis Hague [].
Imprint Carnforth, Lancs., U.K. ; Park Ridge, N.J., U.S.A.: Parthenon Publishing Group, 1989.
Lecture Unit6- Gross Anatomy of the Ear
Dr. S. David
Reference: Moore, 3rd ed., pp. 763-778.
For the Inner-ear 3d Model
Providing the MRM data:
The centre for in vivo microscopy CIVM, Duke University.
O.W. Henson Jr. and M.M. Henson University of North Carolina.
Converting data:
Rene G. van Wijhe, McGill University.
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