This page is my uninformed and amateurish attempt to establish correspondences between the spider genus names used by Gie Wyckmans in his Spider Eyes Project and those given by Norman Platnick in his World Spider Catalog, Version 5.0.
Wyckmans' Web page is based largely on Bösenberg's Die Spinnen Deutschlands, Stuttgart, 1901. He uses Bösenberg's original genus names, although some of them are now considered to be obsolete. In the following table, the first column gives the genus names used by Wyckmans, and the second column gives what I think are the corresponding genus names (and families) as used by Platnick.
A question mark in the first column indicates that I think the genus name is mis-spelled (either by Bösenberg or in transcription by Wyckmans).
In the second column, a statement of the form ‘(name1 = name2)’ means that Platnick clearly states (I think) that the old name1 has been replaced by name2. Other notations indicate somewhat more complicated situations, such as the transfer of individual species from one genus to another, which I understand even less well. A question mark alone in the second column indicates that I have been unable to find any reference to the genus name by Platnick. (In one such case I cite a synonym found elsewhere.)
Wyckmans Genus | Platnick Genus, Family |
Abacoproeces | Abacoproeces, Linyphiidae |
Acartouchenius | Acartauchenius, Linyphiidae |
Aelurillus | Aelurillus, Salticidae |
Agalena | Agelena, Agelenidae |
Agroeca | Agroeca, Liocranidae |
Altella | Altella, Dictynidae |
Amaurobius | Amaurobius, Amaurobiidae |
Anyphaena | Anyphaena, Anyphaenidae |
Apostenus | Apostenus, Liocranidae |
Araconcus ? | Araeoncus, Linyphiidae |
Argenna | Argenna, Dictynidae |
Argiope | Argiope, Araneidae |
Argyroneta | Argyroneta, Cybaeidae |
Artanes | (Artanes = Philodromus?) |
Asagena | (Asagena = Steatoda) |
Attus | (transferred to Aelurillus, Agassa, Alcmena, etc?) |
Atypus | Atypus, Atypidae |
Aulonia | Aulonia, Lycosidae |
Ballus | Ballus, Salticidae |
Bathyphantes | Bathyphantes, Linyphiidae |
Bolyphantes | Bolyphantes, Linyphiidae |
Caelotes ? | Coelotes, Amaurobiidae |
Callilepis | Callilepis, Gnaphosidae |
Caracladus | Caracladus, Linyphiidae |
Cariarachne ? | Carparachne, Sparassidae |
Centromerus | Centromerus, Linyphiidae |
Ceratinella | Ceratinella, Linyphiidae |
Cercidia | Cercidia, Araneidae |
Chaloscirtus | Chalcoscirtus, Salticidae |
Chiracanthium ? | Cheiracanthium, Miturgidae |
Cicurina | Cicurina, Dictynidae |
Cineta ? | Cinetata, Linyphiidae |
Clubiona | Clubiona, Clubionidae |
Comaroma | Comaroma, Anapidae |
Cornicularia | (should be in Nomaua?) |
Crustalina | Crustulina, Theridiidae |
Cryphoeca | Cryphoeca, Hahniidae |
Cybaeus | Cybaeus, Cybaeidae |
Cyclosa | Cyclosa, Araneidae |
Cyrtophora | Cyrtophora, Araneidae |
Dendryphantes | Dendryphantes, Salticidae |
Diaca ? | Diaea, Thomisidae |
Dictyna | Dictyna, Dictynidae |
Dicymbiam ? | Dicymbium, Linyphiidae |
Dicyphus | ? [Dicyphus = Hypomma, cf.] |
Diplocephalus | Diplocephalus, Linyphiidae |
Dipoena | Dipoena, Theridiidae |
Dismodicus | Dismodicus, Linyphiidae |
Drapetisca | Drapetisca, Linyphiidae |
Drassus | (should be in Steatoda?) |
Dysdera | Dysdera, Dysderidae |
Echemus | Echemus, Gnaphosidae |
Enoplognatha | Enoplognatha, Theridiidae |
Entelecara | Entelecara, Linyphiidae |
Epeira | (transferred to Acacesia, Acanthepeira, Aculepeira, etc?) |
Epiblemum | ? |
Episinus | Episinus, Theridiidae |
Eresus | Eresus, Eresidae |
Ergane | Ergane, Salticidae |
Erigone | Erigone, Linyphiidae |
Ero | Ero, Mimetidae |
Euophrys | Euophrys, Salticidae |
Euryopis | Euryopis, Theridiidae |
Gamasomorpha | Gamasomorpha, Oonopidae |
Gnaphosa | Gnaphosa, Gnaphosidae |
Gonatium | Gonatium, Linyphiidae |
Gongytidiellum ? | Gongylidiellum, Linyphiidae |
Gongytidium ? | Gongylidium, Linyphiidae |
Hahnia | Hahnia, Hahniidae |
Harpactes ? | Harpactea, Dysderidae |
Heliophanes ? | Heliophanus, Salticidae |
Helophora | Helophora, Linyphiidae |
Heriaeus | Heriaeus, Thomisidae |
Hilaira | Hilaira, Linyphiidae |
Histopona | Histopona, Agelenidae |
Hyptiotes | Hyptiotes, Uloboridae |
Kulczynskiellum | ? |
Labulla | Labulla, Linyphiidae |
Lasaeola | Lasaeola, Theridiidae |
Lathys | Lathys, Dictynidae |
Lephthypanthes ? | Lepthyphantes, Linyphiidae |
Leptorhoptrum | Leptorhoptrum, Linyphiidae |
Linyphia | Linyphia, Linyphiidae |
Liocranum | Liocranum, Liocranidae |
Lithyphantes | (Lithyphantes = Steatoda) |
Lophocarenum | (Lophocarenum = Pelecopsis) |
Lophomma | Lophomma, Linyphiidae |
Lycosa | Lycosa, Lycosidae |
Macrargus | Macrargus, Linyphiidae |
Marptusa | (transferred to Abracadabrella, Balmaceda, Bavia, etc?) |
Maso | Maso, Linyphiidae |
Meta | Meta, Tetragnathidae |
Metopobadrus ? | Metopobactrus, Linyphiidae |
Micaria | Micaria, Gnaphosidae |
Micrommata | Micromatta, Tetrablemmidae |
Microneta | Microneta, Linyphiidae |
Microphantes ? | (Micryphantes spp. transferred to Allomengea, Bathyphantes, etc?) |
Minicia | Minicia, Linyphiidae |
Minyriolus | Minyriolus, Linyphiidae |
Misumena | Misumena, Thomisidae |
Nematogmus | Nematogmus, Linyphiidae |
Neon | Neon, Salticidae |
Nesticus | Nesticus, Nesticidae |
Oedipus | ? |
Oedothorax | Oedothorax, Linyphiidae |
Oonops | Oonops, Oonopidae |
Oxyopes | Oxyopes, Oxyopidae |
Oxyptila ? | Ozyptila, Thomisidae |
Pachygnatha | Pachygnatha, Tetragnathidae |
Panamomops | Panamomops, Linyphiidae |
Parrhomma ? | Parhypomma, Linyphiidae |
Pedanosthetus | ? |
Pellenes | Pellenes, Salticidae |
Peponocranium | Peponocranium, Linyphiidae |
Phaeocedus | Phaeocedus, Gnaphosidae |
Phaulothrix | (Phaulothrix = Leptothrix) |
Philaeus | Philaeus, Salticidae |
Philodromus | Philodromus, Philodromidae |
Phlegra | Phlegra, Salticidae |
Pholcomma | Pholcomma, Theridiidae |
Pholcus | Pholcus, Pholcidae |
Phrurolithus | Phrurolithus, Corinnidae |
Phyllonethis | (Phyllonethis = Enoplognatha) |
Pirata | Pirata, Lycosidae |
Pistius | Pistius, Thomisidae |
Pocadienemis ? | Pocadicnemis, Linyphiidae |
Poecilochroa | Poecilochroa, Gnaphosidae |
Poeciloneta | Poeciloneta, Linyphiidae |
Prosthesima | (transferred to Camillina, Cladothela, etc?) |
Pseudicius | Pseudicius, Salticidae |
Sagana | (should be in Argyrodes?) |
Salticus | Salticus, Salticidae |
Scotina | Scotina, Liocranidae |
Scytodes | Scytodes, Scytodidae |
Segestria | Segestria, Segestriidae |
Singa | Singa, Araneidae |
Sintula | Sintula, Linyphiidae |
Steatodes ? | Steatoda, Theridiidae |
Sternonyphantes ? | Stemonyphantes, Linyphiidae |
Synageles | Synageles, Salticidae |
Tapinocyba | Tapinocyba, Linyphiidae |
Tapinopa | Tapinopa, Linyphiidae |
Tarentula | (= Alopecosa? Some spp. transferred to Dolomedes, Agalenocosa, Allocosa, etc.) |
Tegenaria | Tegenaria, Agelenidae |
Tetragnatha | Tetragnatha, Tetragnathidae |
Teutana | (Teutana = Steatoda) |
Textrix | Textrix, Agelenidae |
Thanatus | Thanatus, Philodromidae |
Theridium ? | Theridion, Theridiidae |
Thomisus | Thomisus, Thomisidae |
Thyrcosthenius ? | Thyreosthenius, Linyphiidae |
Tibellus | Tibellus, Philodromidae |
Tigellinus | (Tigellinus = Walckenaeria) |
Tiso | Tiso, Linyphiidae |
Titanoeca | Titanoeca, Titanoecidae |
Tmarus | Tmarus, Thomisidae |
Tmeticus | Tmeticus, Linyphiidae |
Trachelas | Trachelas, Corinnidae |
Trematocephalus | Trematocephalus, Linyphiidae |
Trichoncus | Trichoncus, Linyphiidae |
Trochosa | Trochosa, Lycosidae |
Troxochrus | Troxochrus, Linyphiidae |
Tuberta | Tuberta, Hahniidae |
Uloborus | Uloborus, Uloboridae |
Walckenaeria | Walckenaeria, Linyphiidae |
Xysticus | Xysticus, Thomisidae |
Yllenus | Yllenus, Salticidae |
Zilla | Zilla, Araneidae |
Zodarium ? | Zodarion, Zodariidae |
Zora | Zora, Zoridae |