These lists are very incomplete. They focus mainly on second-hand books,
on geographic location, and on a couple of special interests.
- Encore
(5670 ouest, rue Sherbrooke, near Harvard)
- Presque "9"/Nearly New (5885 rue Sherbrooke, near Royal)
(Yellow Pages)
- The Word
(469, rue Milton)
- Cheap Thrills
(2044 rue Metcalfe, 2nd floor)
- Westcott Books
(2065 ouest, rue Ste-Catherine, near rue du Fort)
(4065 boul. St Laurent, near av. Duluth)
(Yellow Pages)
- S.W. Welch Bookseller
(225 ouest, Saint-Viateur)
- Odyssey Books
(1439, rue Stanley)
- Astro
(1844 ouest, rue Ste-Catherine, between St-Marc & St-Mathieu)
- Concordia Co-op Bookstore
(2150, rue Bishop)
- Bibliomania Bookshoppe
(460 ouest, rue Sainte-Catherine, #406) (out of business?)
- Librairie Pages Books & Café
(3255 St-Jacques, west of av. Atwater)
- Robert Campbell (ex Ex Libris)
on-line or by appointment
Confrérie de la Librairie Ancienne du Québec
- Paragraph
(now part of Quebecor/Archambault)
- Camelot (computer books; defunct, absorbed by Quebecor/Archambault)
- Used Book Circle
(association of stores in several Canadian cities)
- McGill Library
list of on-line resources for out-of-print books
- Yahoo!
Book Search Services, including:
- Chapters
- Indigo
Canada Computer Books (Mississauga, Toronto, Waterloo; computers)
- Woozles (Halifax; children)
- The Colophon Book Shop
(New Hampshire; books, bookmaking, typography, bookbinding,
papermaking, printing, literature, bibliography,
libraries & calligraphy)
R. Funnell
Last modified: 2015-03-31 11:08:07