COMPUTERS IN TEACHING W. Robert J. Funnell 1992 Dec 31 FUN_TEACH:CAI_SUMM.W51 V02-22 1. INTRODUCTION This document is the result of my poking around trying to find out what's available in the realm of computers in teaching, and what's going on at McGill in particular. In March 91 I sent an e-mail message to the McGill CUC mailing list asking for input. Many people responded to that message and to subsequent requests for help, and an earlier version of this document was distributed in July. Since then I have received some further information about activities at McGill, and have also gleaned more information from various other sources. This document consists of a combination of facts, my personal opinions, and other people's opinions (sometimes unattributed). It starts with a summary of some different types of computer software that can be used in teaching. There is then a list of some available courseware-authoring languages, and some information about hardware. Next are several lists of various sources of information, including a list of LISTSERV-type computer-based discussion groups. Finally, there is a respectably long list of activities at McGill. The various lists included here are probably incomplete, and possibly inaccurate. I hope none the less that they are of some use, and that people will suggest corrections and additions. 2. USES OF COMPUTERS IN TEACHING Application software · Engineering software - e.g., CAD, circuit analysis, math & algebra packages, finite-element, simulation · Statistical software · Information-retrieval software - e.g. numerical database, text database, bibliographic database, hypertext encyclopedia Communication software - Bulletin boards, conferencing, e-mail. Students can be required (exam credit given) to participate in conference discussions (e.g. case studies with ethical implications). Conference can also include old examination questions, old essay questions, final exam item breakdowns, and just interesting stuff. The students can be told that anything on the conference is fair game for exams. Games - Simulations, etc. Courseware · Practice drill · Test · Browsing - esp. hypermedia; may be a trivial, inconvenient high-tech replacement for paper, or may be an extremely rich web of information. May be more useful pedagogically to the creator than to the user. Students don't necessarily follow up available links. It is nontrivial to design links which are appropriate to different users' thought processes and levels of knowledge. Use may be supplemented by assignment questions to give the browsing direction. · Tutorial - more or less interactive and nonlinear, responding to user's difficulties · Simulations - with or without cueing, hints, and evaluation 3. AUTHORING SOFTWARE Authoring programmes are essentially presentation programmes with powerful (hopefully) ways of interpreting and responding to user inputs. Hypertext programmes are often used for this - they are really random-access slide-show programmes (multimedia or not) and may or may not be able to interpret user input other than pointing. Desirable features - · Recording of students' responses - (1) to evaluate students; (2) to monitor and improve courseware's behaviour. Often found in mainframe systems, very seldom (if ever) in PC-based systems · Availability on several types of computer - PC's, Macs, IBM mainframe (MUSIC), VAX VMS, Unix · Graphics - if necessary. Support of a variety of hardware - EGA/VGA/SVGA/XGA..., X-windows, etc. · Multimedia - if necessary. Use of still images, sound, animation, full-motion video. Technology is changing quickly. · Curriculum changes slowly, so we must be able to count on using a piece of courseware for several years, in spite of companies going out of business, changes in computers and their operating systems, etc. Even if a piece of courseware didn't cost much, it will be frustrating to have to give it up if it turns out to be any good. This is especially true if we developed it ourselves and then either the hardware or software becomes obsolete and unsupported. · Course content can change quickly, so we would like to be able to update courseware. Content can also differ between schools, so we would like to be able to modify courseware that is obtained from elsewhere. Available systems (Beware of run-time license cost for distributing courseware developed with a particular package.) (In the following, PC means IBM PC or compatibles; Win3 means Windows 3 on PC; DOS means MS-DOS on PC, i.e. not Windows; Mac means what you think it means.) · PLATO - Originally developed at Univ. Illinois (in conjunction with CDC?). Current incarnation is NOVAnet, offers access to courseware, etc. Descendant is Authorware · CAN - Developed at OISE (Toronto) and McGill (Cartwright, Education). Apparently still used at OISE. Dead on MUSIC. PC version (subset) in Pascal by Ratzer. · DAL (Digital Equipment Corp.) - retired a few years ago · NATAL (Softwords, Victoria, BC) - Developed at NRC then commercialized. MS-DOS & Unix. Powerful. Development now slowed, in favour of Courseplus. · IIAS/IIPS (IBM) - Interactive Instructional Authoring System & Presentation System. IBM mainframe. Available free through HESC (see below), could be run under MUSIC. · PILOT - commercially available on PC's and Unix. Long available on Apples. I have an old unsupported version for VAX VMS with no sources, and C sources of a subset. · CBTS - developed at SAIT in Calgary · PC-EXTOL 3.0 - Available via anonymous FTP. Shareware (25$); fairly low level, no math, primitive response matching; can incorporate CGA graphics via a memory-resident screen- grabber. · HyperRez (Maxthink, Inc.) - PC; text only. HYTELNET uses it. Shareware; Maxthink also sells hypertext construction/manangement tools (Houdini) and a hypertext wordprocessor (Trans Text). · cT - ? · Courseplus (Softwords) - for PC, Mac & Unix. Menu-driven authoring. Use graphics from an external paint programme. · HyperCard 2.0 (Claris) - Mac. Version 2 much more flexible. Hypertalk scripting language - a verbose, English-like (beware!) programming language. Very cheap. Relatively inexpensive add-ins (e.g. Voyager's Video Stack) to control video and sound devices[9]. · SuperCard 1.5 (Silicon Beach Software) - Mac. More expensive & more flexible than Hypercard. · HyperPad 2.0 (Brightbill-Roberts & Co.) - PC. Very similar to Hypercard, but can't read each other's files. No graphics · Linkway 2.01 - PC with DOS. From IBM. *100 $ (educational; site licenses available); graphically-oriented authoring tool (claims to be a descendent of PILOT); includes script language. '... small, efficient, and useful', differs 'from the object-oriented manipulations made popular by Hypercard', 'rather idiosyncratic and clumsy'[9]. IBM's commitment to it questioned but maybe new version 92 Jan? · ToolBook 1.5 (Asymetrix) - Win3[31]. More powerful than Linkway. Run-time version free with Windows. Included in IBM's Advanced Academic System. Can convert current Hypercard stacks. 'easier to create lesson with' than IconAuthor. '... requires a little more of a learning curve' than Authorware & Hyperwriter but 'quite useful'[68]. 'Dog slow'. Run-time version costs something[21]. Multimedia Resource Kit[31]; MMRK is 'a collection of extensions that allow you to access multimedia devices like: CD audio; animation software; MIDI sequencing devices; audio cards; videodisk players'. MMRK supports animation input from Gold Disk Animation Works, Autodesk Animator, & MacroMedia Director; support for Intel DVI (MPEG) is in beta testing[?]. Educational price 149 US$ (+30 US$ s&h to Canada), with MMRK = 265+30 US$. · Spinnaker Plus 2.0 (Spinnaker Software) - PC with Windows, and Mac. Comparable to ToolBook (maybe a bit better?). Demo version available. Syntax close to that of HyperCard. Handles colour. Can transport stacks between PC and Mac, and can import HyperCard stacks; good education pricing and support[12]. 'Quite limited'[14]. · IconAuthor 4.0 (AimTech) - Win3[31], Unix, VMS. Compatible with HyperCard, 'a bit more expensive, but it seems easier to use and appears to have fewer bugs' compared to ToolBook & Plus. '... terrible time with memory glitches [with small memory] ... [version 2] has significant problems (like the graphics tool, position editor, etc.)' '... very powerful ... more difficult to learn than ToolBook'[13]. '... ideal ... for creating structured presentations and instructional application programs' as opposed to 'free-form interactive application programs'[?]. · Guide (OWL International) - PC with Windows. More intuitive & better documentation than ToolBook? Demo version available. Run-time version costs $100[21]. · HyperWriter (Ntergaid, Inc.) - DOS[31]. Editor's choice, PC Magazine, 910528; includes links to text, graphics, DOS, multiple documents, other programmes, multimedia hardware drivers; 'supports .pcx files in two color, 16 color, and 256 color formats. Unlike HyperCard for the Mac, it is a true hypertext product; i.e., text links are moveable ... much faster than ToolBook or Spinnaker Plus ... links are easy to create and maintain. ... users may distribute the runtime at no charge'. · Authorware (MacroMedia) - Mac, Win3. Authoring done by menu, constructing a graphical flowchart (programming without programming). Integrated preparation of graphics, sound, animation, etc., but less powerful than available separate applications. No subroutine calls. 'Marvellous'[14]. '... ideal ... for creating structured presentations and instructional application programs' as opposed to 'free-form interactive application programs'. 'Even easier than Hypercard'. Can import animations. Educational price 1195$, same as commercial version. Can develop on either Mac or PC and package for the other. · Storyboard Live (IBM) - Win3, OS/2[31]. · M.I.C. System (VideoLogic) - DOS[31]. · MediaScript (Network Technology) - DOS, OS/2, Win3[31]. · Authology (CEIT Systems) - DOS. Multimedia[31]. · Mentor/MacVideo (Edudisc) - Mac[31]. · VR Producer (Meridian Data) - DOS[31]. · VirtualVideo Producer 3.5 (V_Graph) - DOS[31]. · Media Master (Vision Imaging) - DOS[31]. · Wonder Desktop Studio (Wonder) - DOS[31]. · Quest (Allen Communication) - DOS. Cumbersome, flaky. · AmigaVision (Commodore) - Amiga DOS[31]. · Cats Meow (Tiger Media) - Sparcstation[31]. · Visual Basic (Microsoft) - QuickBasic applications development under Windows, with visual setup of screen, buttons, etc; can be used to do hypertext? · TenCore - multimedia; can use C-language subroutines (used by McGill ICC) · LS/1 - · CaseBase - Mac; a multimedia case presentation authoring system written in SuperCard; developed in a Dept of Radiology in Boston, being used at a number of places, available in exchange for developed courseware. · Trondheim multiple choice program - PC. For creating tests combining multiple-choice questions, images & long texts; free; being ported to Unix; new commercial version being developed that will also handle short text answers. Various software for presentation graphics & animation[31]. N.B. Different levels of animation sophistication[39]: motion of unchanging objects (e.g. MacroMedia Action!), cel animation, true path animation (e.g. MacroMedia Director, Autodesk Animator Pro). · Director 3.1 (MacroMedia) - Mac. Applications can be played on PC under Windows 3. Educational price 717$US + 40 $ shipping. · ConvertIt - converts HyperCard stacks into ToolBook; 80-90% conversion, doesn't handle XCMD's or videodisc commands, includes good dictionary of HyperCard/ToolBook command equivalences[16] See PC Magazine 910528, pp 241-282, for a review of a number of IBM hypertext packages. See BYTE 9112 & PC Magazine 911217 for articles on multimedia. Software to implement menus, user login, usage tracking, e.g. HDM IV shareware. Some software produces detailed usage reports, e.g. GUS. 4. HARDWARE Technology for handling video (N.B. Expected lifetime of normal CD's and videodisks is 3-5 years. A new manufacturing process for archival quality has been developed) · Displaying TV video on a computer monitor - either analogue pass-through or digitized. Video source needs to be controlled somehow, e.g. some VCR's can be controlled from the serial port[51] but access-time is very long. · Videotape (VHS) - very slow random access. · LaserDisc - Analogue. Small-quantity DRAW/RLV pressing *250 $US. Noninteractive consumer players are gaining momentum; combination players (LD/CDV/CD) from *500$. Used with computer for interaction (e.g. IBM InfoWindows). · CD - Digital. Pressing (from digitized material) can be done by service companies for *2000 $, CD's *2 $ each in quantity. Can also (sometimes?) use WORM (Write-Once-Read-Many) technology for prototyping. CD-R (recordable CD) drives are just coming onto the market; drives are expensive (7.5-10 k$) but CD's can be read on ordinary CD-ROM or CD-I drives. Different levels of sophistication - · CD-DA - Digital Audio = ordinary consumer audio · CD-ROM - Read-Only Memory. See recent reviews of drives in PC Week (911209) & Compute (9110)[42], and of CD-ROM networking approaches in PC Magazine (911231). Minichanger (jukebox) is a low-cost alternative to multiple drives, but request collisions can be a real problem if 2 users try to access separate disks at the same time; only manufacturer is Pioneer (DRM-600, 6-disk).[39] · CD-XA - eXtended Architecture (called CD-ROM II by IBM). Extension to CD-ROM to permit integration of audio & data. · CDV - ?[36] · Photo CD (Kodak) - Format for storage of photos; 35-mm film processing predicted to be available 92 Jun.[42] Interactive CD - Compared to CD-ROM, gives better integration of text, graphics, audio & video. Competing versions - · DVI (Digital Video Interactive) (Intel): video board for IBM PC 1500-2500 $US. · CD-I (Compact Disk Interactive) (Philips (Magnavox), Sony, Matsushita (Panasonic)): E.g. development platform from Optimage (a joint venture of Philips, Sun, Microware, Datalink & NCS). Consumer CD-I player with mouse (thumbstick[42]) *600$, works with standard TV, no computer, supposedly on the market now or soon. 'Industrial' player more expensive, includes diskette drive and various computer interfaces. · CDTV (Commodore) - less powerful, cheaper than CD-I; uses Nintendo-like joypad for interaction. Multimedia platforms · IBM InfoWindow System - incl. InfoWindow Touch Display, and a controller for laserdisc or CD player. See Ultimedia below for IBM's latest. · MPC, 'standard' Multimedia PC - 386SX 20 MHz or better, 4 MByt memory, 40-MByt hard disk, MS Windows with Multimedia Extensions, CD, and sound/Midi[45]. Intel has announced that DVI will be compatible with MPC[39]. · IBM's Ultimedia[31] - Introductory model (M57 SLC) is PS/2 with 386SLC or better, 4 Mbyt RAM, XGA graphics (1024*768, 8 planes), M-Audio Capture & Playback Adapter, MIDI port, musical sounds, 2.88-Mbyt floppy, 80-Mbyt hard disk, CD-ROM II (380ms av. access, 150 kbyt/s); OS/2 2.0 (which can run both DOS & Windows 3 with Multimedia Extensions). Video supported by add-in video-conversion boards or the DVI-based ActionMedia II board (*2000 $US, from either Intel or IBM[39]). Multimedia integration is based on new IBM/Intel AVK (Audio-Video Kernel) software. Note that the CD drive (or at least the driver s/w supplied) is not compatible with the MPC standard[31]. · Macintosh with Apple's Quicktime multimedia extensions for System 7[31]. See PC Week magazine (ca. 91 Nov 22) for results of COMDEX multimedia shootout - but a PC running Windows (Multimedia) beat out an Amiga w/ VideoToaster and a MAC IIfx. M-Motion video adapter card - For IBM PS/2 (MCA = Microchannel bus); provides gen-lock so analogue video signals can be combined with computer graphics; user can control size & position (on the PS/2 monitor) of still-frame pictures & video, and superimpose graphics over video; adapter card 2250 US$. Setup for use with ToolBook or Linkway is difficult, get help from IBM Multi-Media Customer Center[50]; need a video-capture card to actually digitize the video Videologic DVA-4000/MCA - 'has some features that the M-Motion board does not'; 'easy to use and superb quality' For AT-type bus (ISA) - National Volante AT1000, VideoMail, Truvision VideoVGA, Matrox Illuminator, and VideoLogic DVA 4000. IBM Video Capture Adapter - can be used with various programmes (e.g., StoryBoard Live!, or VIDCAP from Washington Computer Services' LinkWay ToolKit) to digitize into one of several graphic modes (MCGA, VGA, etc.) and store the image in a number of different formats (.PIC, .PCX, LinkWay's .PCM &.PCV, etc.)[46] Ariel MM-96 - multimedia card for IBM AT's and compatibles; uses Motorola 96002 Media Engine; base configuration 4000 US$. Image input Logitech FotoMan - take up to 32 pictures then attach cable & download to computer; ~800$US. Canon Zapshot - ? Sound SoundBlaster card and many compatibles; see driver & applications for 386 under Unix in alt.sources Covox devices - basically a small amplified speaker with a D/A which plugs into the parallel port Disney Sound System (DSS) - concept similar to Covox? File-conversion utility SoundKit in alt.sources Documentation of sound-file formats: Guido's list (see info-VAX 920520) 5. SOFTWARE REPOSITORIES · Academic Courseware Exchange(?) Kinko's (800-235-6919) ? · WISC-WARE - for IBM PC's · Clearinghouse for academic software, Iowa State University - for VAX VMS. CHOUSE on-line catalogue and demos · IBM Higher Education Software Consortium - Mainframe only. Not specifically educational software (but includes IIAS/IIPS), no courseware. HESC Technical Support Coordinator on campus (Marcoux) 6. ON-LINE CONFERENCES & BULLETIN BOARDS · Compuserve - General. For efficient access, can use TAPCIS on IBM PC or Navigator on Mac. · ISAAC - Information System for Advanced Academic computing, is funded by IBM and operated by the University of Washington. The objective of the system is to facilitate the exchange of information among educators concerning how they are using IBM systems for instruction and research. The system is available for use by all faculty, staff, and students for these purposes. ISAAC provides two services - a database where users can browse reference information and a bulletin board where they can exchange information on listed forum topics. Subscribers at ~1500 campuses. Free; accessible via 800 number, Internet, or BITNET. To register and receive user materials (including instructions and software on diskette for PC & modem) send name, university, address, telephone number, and diskette type (5.25" or 3.5") to Isaac@uwaee.BITNET. Or telnet to and login as "register" (although it didn't work for me). · E.T.Net - Computers in health-sciences education, operated by National Library of Medicine. 435 subscribers. Free. Accessible via Telnet at, login name ETNET; also accessible via Datapac with 800 number. Topics include CAI, hardware, shareware, digital images, hypermedia. Also miniature version of NLM's AVLINE. · AMA/Net - See JAMA, May 23-30, 1990 Vol 263, No 20, p 2744 for info. Apparently now dead. · IBM Multimedia Support board at (800)-247-3461 (2400,N-8- 1) or (408)-238-2700 (300-2400 baud, N,8,1). Get permission from local office. Also Multimedia Support voice line at (800)627-0920[55]. 7. E-MAIL LISTS The following is a list of e-mail-based discussion groups more or less relevant to the use of computers in education (or which at least had promising titles). This list includes the list name, host name, approximate number of subscribers and summary of topic. The frequency and average relevance of messages are very variable across lists. Two sources of general lists of lists - (1) send e-mail message 'LIST GLOBAL' to LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA; (2) use anonymous ftp to retrieve file interest-groups from netinfo directory at Most of these lists use the common BITNET LISTSERV. To subscribe, send message 'SUB listname yourname' to LISTSERV@hostname.BITNET * Lists at RPIECS are actually handled by COMSERVE, not LISTSERV. To subscribe, send message 'JOIN listname yourname' to COMSERVE@RPIECS.BITNET ** Lists with Internet addresses are not handled by the usual BITNET LISTSERV. Requests to be added should be sent to listname-request@address. ACSOFT-L WUVMD 492 all aspects of academic software (moderate activity) AI-ED SUN.COM** ? application of artificial intelligence to education; includes intelligent computer-assisted instruction or intelligent tutoring systems, interactive encyclopedias, intelligent information retrieval for educational purposes, and pychological and cognitive science models of learning, problem solving, and teaching that can be applied to education. AI-MEDICINE VUSE. ?artificial intelligence in medicine; also includes AI-based approaches VANDERBILT. to computer-assisted medical instruction. EDU** ASHE-L UMCVMB 240 Association for the Study of Higher Education (mostly unrelated to computers) CNEDUC-L TAMVM1 215 computers & networks in education (mainly pre-university) CNIDIR-L UNMVM 653 Coalition for Networked Information, Working Group on Directories (indirectly related to computers in education) COCAMED UTORONTO 73 computers in Canadian medical education (little activity) COMMED RPIECS* 341 communication education (little that's relevant) CSAC-L UVMVM 254 Computing Strategies Across the Curriculum (descended from the MAC-CONF list)(little activity) EDTECH OHSTVMA 750 educational technology (quite active, very useful) EDUSIG-L UBVM 239 issues that may relate to both education and Digital Equipment Corporation (DECUS EDUSIG) (little activity) EDUTEL RPIECS* 542 education and information technologies (little activity) ERL-L TCSVM 455 educational research list - primarily news from Washington ETDIR-L UBVM 23 for directors of university-level centers for the study and development of technology in support of education EUITLIST BITNIC 68 Educational Uses of Information Technology (EUIT) News and Discussion HYPERMED UMAB 76 biomedical hypermedia instructional design (little activity) ICU-L UBVM 201 discussion and distribution of the Instructional Computing Update newsletter, published jointly by Iowa State University and Digital Equipment Corporation (little activity) MEDIA-L BINGVMA ? for people in the media services profession who would like to share information or ask questions about educational communications and technology issues. MEDINF-L YALEVM 89 biomedical informatics discussion group (little activity) MMEDIA ICNUCEVM 11 multimedia list (Italy) MMEDIA-L VMTECMEX 165 multimedia discussion list NCSU-MUG NCSUVM 36 NCSU Multimedia Users Groups (North Carolina) NP-DETA UMUC 15 New Pathways Technologies, Annenberg Project/Corporation for Public Broadcasting - Synergy of voice, data and video technologies (private) NP-NEWS UMUC 339 New Pathways News Service, Annenberg/Corporation for Public Broadcasting Project PACS-L UHUPVM1 3340 Public-Access Computer Systems Forum - deals with all computer systems that libraries make available to their patrons, incl. CD-ROM databases, courseware, expert systems, hypertext programs, locally-mounted databases, online catalogs, and remote end-user search systems. Very active but only indirectly related to computers in education STLHE-L UNBVM1 221 forum of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (little that's related to computers in education) Lists for specific software AWARE-L UKANVM 89 discussion of Authorware HYPERCRD MSU 188 discussion of Hypercard TOOLB-L UAFSYSB 222 discussion of Asymetrix Toolbook Lists related to specific hardware, not specifically educational IBMPC-L UTORONTO digest of Info-IBMPC INFO-MAC UTORONTO digest of Info-Mac INFO-VAX UBVM MACGIL-L MCGILL1 136 McGill Macintosh Users Group 8. ORGANIZATIONS · American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) - Publishes M.D.Computing and Computers & Biomedical Research. Includes various special interest groups, including Professional Speciality Group on Education (PSG-E, what used to be Medical interactive Video Consortium). · Association for Educational Communications & Technology - Concerned with learning process and instructional technology. · Association for Educational Data Systems - Studies impact of the computer and related processes on the field of education.[58] · Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education - AACE@VIRGINIA.EDU; '... purpose is to advance the knowledge and quality of teaching and learning at all levels with computing technologies'; 5 membership divisions, each with an annual conference and a journal[63]. · Association for the Development of Computer-based Instructional Systems (ADCIS) - Includes 15 Special Interest Groups, including one for Academic Computing (SIGAC, ~ 100 members). Individual membership $60 + $5/SIG (1st one free). · Center for Educational Experimentation, Development and Evaluation - At College of Education, University of Iowa. Conducts research of computers in education, develops educational materials and programmes. Services provided on a sliding-fee basis.[58] · Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Instruction Consortium - At Brigham-Young University. Clearinghouse for info pertaining to high technology in the teaching & learning of natural languages. Services provided at cost.[58] · CONDUIT - Not-for-profit organization at University of Iowa. Publishes educational computer software in biology, chemistry, economics, languages, music, political science, etc. Services provided for a fee.[58] · EDUCOM - Not-for-profit consortium of higher education institutions which facilitates the introduction, use, access to and management of information resources in teaching, learning, scholarship, and research. Institutional memberships only (currently 650 colleges and universities, plus 100+ corporate associates), currently exploring an "individual affiliation" of some sort. Includes a group dealing with Educational Uses of Information Technology (EUIT), as well as a Networking and Telecommunications Task Force; also manages BITNET. Big annual conference. EDUCOM/NCRIPTAL awards · ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources - At Syracuse University. Provides information and access to materials in the fields of educational media and technology, and library and information science.[58] · Hypermedia and Instructional Software Clearinghouse (HISC) - University of Colorado at Denver, Division of Instructional Technology. clearinghouse for collecting, reviewing, and distributing instructional, administrative, and utility stackware for educators, trainers and, instructional technologists. HISC is a non-profit entity. Initial focus is on stacks created on HyperCard for the Macintosh computer. · Interuniversity Communications Council - Princeton (NJ). Seeks to develop, operate, and use computing and technology-related systems in higher education. Answers inquiries, provides advisory services through EDUCOM. Services provided for a fee.[58] · Learning Center for Interactive Technology (National Library of Medicine) · Learning Technology Institute - Virginia. R & D in CAI, multimedia, etc. Services for a fee.[58] · NCRIPTAL - National Center for Research to Improve Postsecondary Teaching and Learning 9. JOURNALS · Canadian Journal of Educational Communications (Association of Media and Technology in Education in Canada) · CD-ROM Professional Subtitled "The Magazine for CD-ROM Publishers and Users"; aimed at information professionals who want practical advice articles; has many product reviews, how-to columns, and technology feature articles in each issue.77 · Classroom Computer - ? · Computer News for Physicians (Biomedical Information Corp.) - many (excellent) software reviews and many short articles on medical informatics · Computers and the Humanities (CHum) - Special issue on 'Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Instruction', Vol. 23, No. 1, January 1989 · Educational Technology Abstracts (Carfax Publishing Co., P.O. Box 2025, Dunnellon, FL 32630 U.S.A.) - · Educational Technology Research & Development (Association for Educational Communications and Technology) - ? · Electronic Learning - ? · Interactive Media (UK, quarterly) - covers all aspects of this field, from creating and using multimedia applications to technical details about hardware, from news to informed discussions about future standards and quality. It is not restricted to any one type of personal computer. · Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, AACE)[63] · Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (AACE)[63] · Journal of Computing in Childhood Education (AACE)[63] · Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (AACE) - announced 91 Nov) · Journal of Computer-Based Instruction (ADCIS) · Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (AACE) - announced for fall 92[63] · M.D. Computing (Springer-Verlag) - 'not many software reviews anymore, but good review articles on various subject ares in medical informatics' · Nautilus - published monthly on CD; 'designed to provide a multi-disciplinary forum to present and discuss multimedia applications. The main goal of the journal is to contribute to the advancement of the theory and practice of learning and teaching'; 6 issues at $14.95 for each or 12 issues at $9.95; 'useful for courseware examples as well as the multitude of other types of info provided (sample software, multimedia clips, entertainment, system information, news articles, etc.)' · PC Physician Medical Computing Resource Guide - sponsored by CIBA-GEIGY. On diskette, semiannual updates. Versions available for IBM and compatibles and Apple Macintosh. · Research and Educational Applications of Computers in Humanities (REACH) - electronic newsletter 10. BOOKS (Note usage of 'instructional technology' to refer to a field that includes instructional design, etc., as well as computing in education67.) · Anglin, G.J. (Ed.), Instructional Technology: Past, Present and Future, Libraries Unlimited, Englewood, Colorado, 1991. 'This text discusses the definition and history of the field and covers a wide range of topics such as instructional systems design, needs analysis task analysis, design of computer-based instruction, message design, adoption and diffusion of innovation, distance education, instructional television AND instruction technology in business and industry. A GREAT overview of INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY as a field!' · Bush M, Slayden M, Verano M (Eds.), Interactive Videodisc: The "Why" and the "How", CALICO Monograph Series, vol. 2, Brigham Young University, 1991 · Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc., Annual Editions: Education and Computers. · Flake et al., Computer Education (?), 2nd ed. · Hannafin, M., & Peck, K., The Design, Development and Evaluation of Instructional Software, MacMillan Publishing, New York, 1988. Has 'a more instructional design oriented approach'[67]. · Jonassen, Instructional Designs for Microcomputer Courseware. · Lawler & Yazdani, Artificial Intelligence and Education, Vol. 1, Ablex Publishing, 1987. Contains several articles on Intellegent Tutoring systems. · Lockard J, Abrams P, Many W, Microcomputers for Educators, Scott Foresman (ISBN 0-673-52030-7), ?date - 'Well laid out with clearly stated objectives and general activities by "concept" not machine. ... Reading level a bit high, presentation a bit theoretical, Software not included.' · Mandl, H., & Lesgold, A. (eds.), Learning Issues for Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Springer-Verlag, 1988. · Nielsen, J., Hypertext and Hypermedia, Academic Press, 263 pp, 1990. Good introduction; design issues and potential user- interface pitfalls, usability. · O'Brien, Computer Concepts and Applications, 3rd ed. · Shneiderman, B., & Kearsley, G., Hypertext Hands-On!: An Introduction to a New Way of Organizing and Accessing Information, New York: Addison-Wesley, 1989. Includes a hypertext version of the text on floppy disks for any PC-compatible, preferably colour; includes descriptions of all major hypermedia products that are currently on the market.[75] · Simonson, M., & Thompson, A., Educational Computing Foundations, Merrill Publishing, Columbus, Ohio, 1990. 'Topics include research on computers in education, teaching with computers, teaching ABOUT computers, word-processing, spreadsheets, database use, telecommunications, selecting and evaluating software and hardware, etc. It's definitely at the beginner level and is especially geared for K-12 teachers.'[67] · Sorge, DH et al., Implementing Interactive Video, Division of School & Community Programs, Purdue University. I have requested a copy. Authors have also published articles on the same subject in Educational Technology (1991 July: 25-28) and in Performance and Instruction (1991 Oct: 20-25). 11. ACTIVITIES AT McGILL Arts · Anthropology (Bisson) - Interactive, illustrated tutorial on human biology & population genetics developed using HyperCard on the Macintosh. Self-test & laboratory courseware. · Anthropology/Indonesia Project (Aiken) - Use of SimCity, an urban-simulation game for PC or Mac. Use by students of up- to-the-minute data from bulletin boards. · Economics - Use of tutorial software provided with textbooks (A. Deutsch/Vicas). Use of e-mail, and more recently the new MUSIC SUPER facility (Frankman) · Geography - Use of Metro Apex, an urban simulation programme (Lewis). · Languages - German-language drills developed using CALIS (Frischkopf & Martin). Use of French & Latin tutorial software provided with textbooks. Word-processing with non- Roman fonts - Cyrillic (Patera), Japanese, Hebrew, Arabic and Chinese. · Political Science - Participating via e-mail in world-wide group simulations in international diplomacy (James). · Social-science departments - Training in use of statistical software & databases. · Sociology - developed a quizzing package using HyperCard on the Macintosh (Locher). Work on a similar package for statistics (Masi). Demonstration of computer-assisted telephone interviewing (Masi). Education · Advice & assistance with CAI (especially Macintosh-based) through the Apple Research Partnership Programme (Breuleux), Applied Cognitive Science (Groen), and the Centre for University Teaching & Learning (Donald) · Work on developing courseware for statistics on the Macintosh (Bracewell) · Development work on authoring languages and, more recently, research into the educational implications of virtual realities, etc. (Cartwright) · Teaching teachers about developing courseware, using LinkWay on IBM PC (Burpee) · Teaching teachers about using CAI in the classroom Engineering · Widespread use of engineering software - computer-aided design, circuit analysis, symbolic algebra, finite elements, etc., mostly on IBM-compatible PC's and Unix workstations. Also involvement in a CIDA-funded project in Zimbabwe (Ratzer). · Computer Science (Ratzer) - development of courseware. Implementation on an IBM-compatible PC of a subset of the CAN- 7 authoring language , written in Pascal. · Computer Science (P. Deutsch) - use of e-mail and Usenet bulletin board (enthusiastically) · Computer Science (Newborn) - developed courseware in logic for the Macintosh Medicine · Anatomy - use of commercially available courseware using the Macintosh and LaserDisks, and also in-house development of course material (images & text) and courseware (Nadler) · BioMedical Engineering - use of interactive VAX software (developed here) to teach signal analysis & system identification (Kearney) · Dermatology - developed courseware for Macintosh on cutaneous cancer, includes colour images (Dermijian) · MEDCOR (computer staff & Funnell) - VAX accounts for students, terminal room and dial-in connections. E-mail and bulletin board (teaching staff not involved yet). Use for word processing. Exposure of students to an international LISTSERV group for medical students (MEDSTU-L). Patient simulations (written in PILOT for PC, distributed free by Upjohn) being evaluated in microbiology, endocrinology, dermatology & psychology; feasibility of porting to VAX being evaluated. · Medicine (Shannon) - use of Scientific American patient simulations as basis for presentation and class discussion, now uses same material on transparencies because more convenient. · Microbiology (Coulton/Briedis) - Patient simulations written in PILOT, distributed by Upjohn, used to be used in Education PC lab, now being considered for porting to VAX (see MEDCOR). · Pharmacology (Padjen) - Member of InfoWindows consortium of medical schools (IBM PC, laser disk); development of courseware. · Surgery - 2 sets of patient simulations evaluated by students, RxDx popular. Used on PC LAN at MGH (Fleiszer). Music · Development of courseware (inner-hearing training, piano playing, orchestration, ear training for engineers) using the Macintosh with SuperCard and CD-ROM (Wapnick & Quesnel) Science · Mathematics - programmes for teaching about fractals (?) · Physiology - use of PC's to support laboratory exercises (Guevara) · Psychology - use of PC's for undergraduate labs, e.g. several modules for visual perception (Wilkinson). Also some courseware (Lydon), and various simulation software Miscellaneous · Word processing. Scanners & OCR software (CC & FACL) · Computer labs - Arts (Czarnocki), Computer Science, Computing Centre, Education (Lake), Engineering, Macdonald College, Management, Mathematics/Geography/Meteorology, Medicine, Physics (Science), Psychology/Biology · ICC (Rosten) - experimenting with interactive video simulations using videodisc (later probably CD-ROM) and the TenCore authoring language. Also do video production for courseware developers (e.g. Padjen) · Computing Centre - coordination (Fox). Collection of information, catalogues, reviews, etc. · Library & Information Science - Collection of CD-ROM's including databases and multimedia, e.g. Compton's encyclopędia (Beheshti) · Library Systems Office - working on implementing a CD-ROM jukebox, evaluating Linkway (Khouri St-Pierre) · Health Sciences Library - Scientific American Patient Management Problems (patient simulations with scoring) available on diskette (for an IBM PC primarily used as a CD- ROM station) · MUSIC Group - SUPER/CI & Conference (Miller, McNamee) 12. REFERENCES