Here are some of the many McGill facilities which are available on the Web.
At - the
award-winning Web gateway to McGill.
Muse is the on-line catalogue of the McGill University Libraries.
Peruse is McGill's collection of
on-line bibliographic databases.
It includes the following bibliographic databases (among many others):
Aidsline | BioethicsLine | BIOSIS Previews |
CancerLit | CINAHL | Current Contents/All Editions |
HealthSTAR | Medline | PsycINFO |
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews | ||
Best Evidence |
Workshops and handouts on the use of Peruse are available from the library.
A handout is
available as a PDF file.
The Health Sciences Library has also developed a course on
Information Literacy which discusses Peruse, Muse and much more.
A very brief and incomplete introduction to using Peruse is available
The McGill libraries also offer Web access to other bibliographic databases and to full-text journals. See links on the Health Sciences Library home page.
McGill Network & Communications Services (NCS) operates McGill's fibre-optic network 'backbone' and the connection to the Internet. They also operate a Dial-up Access Service, and various software is available for downloading.
NCS offers student e-mail accounts, which are not necessary for students who already have Faculty of Medicine e-mail accounts.
NCS also operates a Computer Store in Burnside Hall.