The Medcor computer labs are located on the second floor of the McIntyre Building.
The computer labs are open 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Access is controlled via your Mcgill ID card and a PIN number. The PIN number for access to the computer lab is normally the same as the one you request from the Faculty Offices on the 6th floor for after-hours access to the McIntyre Building. The PIN number registered for building access will automatically be registered for computer-lab access, usually within one or two days.
Please do not open the lab doors for others, especially people you don't know. Anyone who is entitled to use the labs should have obtained a PIN and should have their card with them.
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Please help us keep the computer labs neat:
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There are a number of Macs and IBM-compatible PC's in the computer labs. They can be used for word processing, e-mail, Web browsing, etc. There is also special medical software available on some of the machines.
To use these computers, you must enter your username and password.
You must reset your password the first time you login, and you should
change it occasionally after that. (To change your password, press
and select Change Password...
Note that this password must be changed separately from your
e-mail password.
Keep your password private.
Here are some tips for good passwords.
A limited amount of storage space is available to you on the server (drive M: in Windows). You can also store your own files temporarily on the local hard disks of the PC's and Macs, but such files may be removed at any time without warning.
Don't turn the computers off when you're finished. (If a computer screen doesn't show anything, a screen-saver or power-saver programme may be in effect - try jiggling the mouse or pressing a key on the keyboard to bring the computer back to life.)
Laser printers are available in the computer labs.
There is no charge for printing, but only a limited amount of paper will be provided. Please don't make excessive use of it, and don't print multiple copies of documents. If the printer paper tray is empty, you can load it yourself - load the paper as you would with a photocopier, with the arrow on the package pointing up.
Please only submit print jobs when you are actually in the computer lab, in case the printer jams or runs out of paper. Pick up your printout right away - printouts left around will be recycled. Please put scrap paper into the recycling bin.
If using transparencies in the printer, make sure they're the right kind!
If not ...
It is possible to print from a laptop by connecting a parallel cable from the latop to one of the printers.
If a printer doesn't seem to be working, check that the correct printer is selected. (The procedure depends on the particular software you're using.) If that doesn't solve the problem, please ask for help - don't try fiddling with the printers.
A stapler and a hole punch are available.
A flat-bed scanner is available.