This Simplified On-line Succour,
or Students' Outline of Services,
provides information about the facilities available to users of the Medical Computing Resource (Medcor) in the Faculty of Medicine of McGill University.


General information about the Medical Computing Resource, including information on how to get help.

Code of Conduct

The use of Medcor and all other McGill computing facilities is governed by a Code of Conduct.

Computer labs

Medcor operates computer labs for medical and dental students.

Electronic mail

General information about Medcor's e-mail accounts and how to use them.

Some basic tips apply to all e-mail.

Connecting from home

Information about how to connect from home.

Word processing

You can do your word processing on the PC's and Mac's in the computer lab, or do it elsewhere and then do your printing in the lab.

Some basic tips apply regardless of what software you're using.
Here are a few techniques for using WordPerfect and Word as more than electric typewriters.

Transferring files between home and Medcor

You can use diskettes or e-mail to transfer files between home and Medcor.

Beyond Medcor

Home computers

Students are advised that having a computer at home is highly recommended.

You may want to check out some general tips on buying a computer.

Medcor home page
Last modified: Sun, 2001 Apr 8 11:36:43