Basic Computer Notions WebCT bulletin board

Introduction Logging in Reading messages Reading messages (cont'd) Reading messages (cont'd) Reading messages (cont'd) Replying to a message Starting a new topic 9 of 9

Composing a message

Whether replying to a message or starting a new topic, compose your message using the built-in text-editing facility.

Note that the characters < and > may cause text to disappear if you try to use them in your messages. That's because your message will be displayed using a Web browser, and those two characters mean something special in HTML. Use the Preview button to see what your message will really look like. Remember that the appearance of your message may vary somewhat when viewed with different Web browsers.

R. Funnell
Last modified: Wed, 2004 Apr 14 09:18:01
Slide show generated from webctbb.html by Weasel 2004 Apr 14