This page contains instructions for using the Bulletin Board in WebCT. (The instructions are for a previous version of WebCT. The appearance is different but the principles are the same in the current version.)
Keep in mind that these instructions are just an introduction and do not cover all of the possibilities. Explore the on-line help within WebCT for more information.
The URL for WebCT at McGill is .
Click on Login to MyWebCT
to login. Once you have logged in, you
will see a list of any WebCT courses in which you are registered.
Your UserID is normally of the form firstname.lastname
If you have trouble figuring out what UserID has been assigned, click on
How to Login
on the WebCT home page (upper right corner).
You will be asked for your student number and your date of birth (in the
form yyyymmdd
Your initial WebCT password is your date of birth (yyyymmdd
You should change it the first time you login to WebCT.
You can also enter an e-mail address after you have logged in. Later
that address can be used to retrieve your UserID and password if you
forget them, by clicking on
Forgot your password? Click here.
Reading messages in a WebCT forum is much like reading messages in a newsgroup. One advantage of the WebCT environment is that the WebCT server keeps track of which messages you've read, from session to session, regardless of which computer you're using to read them.
When you first enter the bulletin board area in WebCT, you'll see
a display like this.
In this example there are two message threads, with
topics Camel animation and Starting time. To read
an individual message, click on the author's name, e.g.,
Instructor. To see all of the messages within a thread,
click on the topic of the thread.
Note the text at the top that says
. This means
that WebCT is displaying only messages that you have not yet read. Note
also the button at the left labelled
If you click on the
button then WebCT
will display all messages, both read and unread. The text
at the top will now say
and the button at the left will change to
Messages that you haven't read yet will be flagged as
When you read a message, the flag
won't immediately disappear. Similarly,
if someone else (or you yourself) post a new message while you're
using the bulletin board, the new message won't immediately show
up on your display. Click on the
button to refresh the display.
Clicking on the button
will mark all listed messages as having been read, without your
having read them. You wouldn't normally want to do that - at least
not in my course!
When reading a
message, you'll see something like this. To post a reply to the
message, you can click on the
button or, often preferably, on the
button. They both allow you to compose a reply, and the
latter also quotes the text of the original message.
To post a message with a brand new topic (or thread), click
on .
If you're replying to a message, it's much better to use the
or the
button than to start a new topic by using
Whether replying to a message or starting a new topic, compose your message using the built-in text-editing facility.
Note that the characters < and > may cause text to disappear if you try to use them in your messages. That's because your message will be displayed using a Web browser, and those two characters mean something special in HTML. Use the
button to see what your message will really look like. Remember that the appearance of your message may vary somewhat when viewed with different Web browsers.