Introduction to presentation software
Popular presentation software includes
LibreOffice/OpenOffice Impress:
free/libre/open, powerful, multiplatform, can
export PowerPoint & PDF files
- Calligra Stage:
free/libre/open, multiplatform
- Beamer:
a LaTeX
document class
- Google Slides: no-cost, requires Google account; cloud-based
- Prezi: $$ (no-cost basic version); cloud-based;
not the usual slide-by-slide paradigm
- Corel Presentations: $$
- Microsoft PowerPoint: $$;
widely used because often bundled with Windows, also available for Mac
- Lotus Freelance (IBM): $$; for MS Windows only
- Keynote: $$; for Mac, from Apple
R. Funnell
Last modified: 2024-05-10 20:10:19
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