Introduction to presentation software
Presentation design
- 5 minutes/slide is bad
- 5 slides/minute is bad
- No more than 1 slide/minute
- Introductory outline slide?
- Final slide with contact information?
- Acknowledgements at beginning or end?
- Avoid line-by-line builds
- Avoid line-by-line builds
- Avoid distracting transitions
- Avoid line-by-line builds
- Avoid distracting transitions
- Use duplicate slides rather than backing up
Slide design
Overall design
- Uniform background
- Include event name and/or logo?
- Include easily readable slide numbers
- Go easy on colours
- No more
than two
font families
- Easy-to-read fonts, not too small
- Sans serif is probably good
- All caps is bad
- Should be legible when standing 15' away from a 15" monitor
(equivalent to holding 35-mm slide at arm’s length).
- have enough contrast (avoid background gradient)
- don’t have too much contrast
- light on dark (e.g., yellow on blue)
- make presentation jump off screen
- avoid glare of bright background
- or dark on light
- to avoid making the room too dark
- avoid distracting backgrounds, logos, etc.
- test: colours may not look the same with a projector
Individual slides
- Maximum 5-7 lines/slide
- Maximum 7 words/line
- Double space lines of text
- Simple enough to digest in 20 seconds
- Telegraph style
- Should not contain all words that will be spoken
- Should contain all key words
- Graphs are better than tables
- Possibly
use contrasting colour for list item being talked about
- Graphs are better than tables
- Possibly
use contrasting colour for list item being talked about
Compatibility issues
- If you use fancy fonts, you may have problems with font substitution if
you do not present using your own computer
- Similarly for other fancy effects
- Do image cropping and resizing outside the presentation software,
i.e., in a paint programme
- Avoid red and
because often not well projected
- Stay away from edges of screen
- Complain if they insist on PowerPoint
Popular presentation software includes
LibreOffice/OpenOffice Impress:
free/libre/open, powerful, multiplatform, can
export PowerPoint & PDF files
- Calligra Stage:
free/libre/open, multiplatform
- Beamer:
a LaTeX
document class
- Google Slides: no-cost, requires Google account; cloud-based
- Prezi: $$ (no-cost basic version); cloud-based;
not the usual slide-by-slide paradigm
- Corel Presentations: $$
- Microsoft PowerPoint: $$;
widely used because often bundled with Windows, also available for Mac
- Lotus Freelance (IBM): $$; for MS Windows only
- Keynote: $$; for Mac, from Apple
- Bring copy on USB drive in case your computer fails
- Bring backup (e.g., paper copy) in case of broken projector
- Carry material with you, don’t put in checked baggage
Arrange to borrow a digital projector if necessary.
Bring your own video cable?
Make sure you have the required adapter.
Resolution of the projector – or 800×600, 1024×768, …?
Change resolution of laptop if necessary; disable laptop
screen if necessary to avoid interpolation.
Allow projector to cool down before turning off power.
- Bring own computer; or
- find out if available computer will have
required software; or
- bring your own slide-show viewer software; or
- bring your whole slide show in a self-displaying
Check for
- right version of viewing software
- right version of operating system
- Make sure you include any video files, etc.
- Use PowerPoint’s ‘Pack and Go’,
Corel’s ‘Show on the Go’, or similar feature
- Make sure you have AC adapter and/or that batteries are charged.
- Turn off screensaver and/or powersaver.
Putting it onto the Web
- Set of Web pages: avoid using features which
are not compatible with all browsers.
Presentation creation
To facilitate the creation of slides with consistent appearance,
presentation software uses
- backgrounds that are defined once and applied to every slide
- predefined slide layouts
- styles for text and graphics
R. Funnell
Last modified: 2024-05-10 20:10:19