Basic Computer Notions Newsgroups

Introduction Categories of newsgroups Categories of newsgroups (cont'd) Categories of newsgroups (cont'd) Categories of newsgroups (cont'd) Categories of newsgroups (cont'd) Finding relevant newsgroups 8 of 8

Reading and posting to newsgroups

You can read messages in newsgroups, and post your own messages, using a newsreader client programme such as the Discussion Group component of Netscape. The name of the news server at McGill is

In Netscape 4 you specify the name of the news server by selecting Edit Preferences... Mail & Groups Groups Server.

In Netscape 7, set up a Newsgroup account: in the Mail window do New Account Newsgroup account. Specify your identication information, then the server name.

In Mozilla, do Edit Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings.

In Mozilla, go to Window Mail & Newsgroups. In the list of e-mail folders on the left will be an entry that says news. Click on it and help will appear on the right. Click on Manage newsgroup subscriptions - a Subscribe dialogue box will open and a hierarchical list of the available newsgroups will be displayed. Select the one(s) you're interested in and click on Subscribe. When you're done, click on OK. The names of the selected newsgroups will appear in the list of e-mail folders on the left. Highlight one of them and a download window will appear, to download the messages for that newsgroup. To subscribe to another group, select File Subscribe.

Bacon home page
R. Funnell
Last modified: Wed, 2007 Mar 7 09:39:58

Slide show generated from news.html by Weasel 2007 Mar 7