Basic Computer Notions Newsgroups

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Categories of newsgroups (cont'd)

Newsgroups are organized hierarchically. The seven official Usenet categories are the following.

(The numbers in parentheses are the numbers of newsgroups within each category, as found on McGill news server on 1998 April 7 and 2001 Apr 11, and on Google on 2006 Mar 15.)
comp computers (1090/1158/1193 groups)
misc miscellaneous topics (148/206/231 groups)
news information about newsgroups (35/41/55 groups)
rec recreational topics (806/881/901 groups)
sci science (232/234/233 groups). Includes* (19 groups),* (33 groups)
soc society (327/309/334 groups)
talk debates about various issues (37/42/44 groups)

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R. Funnell
Last modified: Wed, 2007 Mar 7 09:39:58

Slide show generated from news.html by Weasel 2007 Mar 7