Basic Computer Notions The Internet

Next Introduction Introduction  (cont'd) Introduction  (cont'd) Internet addresses Top-level domains Top-level domains (cont'd) Generic top-level domains Generic top-level domains (cont'd) Generic top-level domains (cont'd) Generic top-level domains (cont'd) Networks Usage World Wide Web World Wide Web  (cont'd) World Wide Web  (cont'd) World Wide Web  (cont'd) World Wide Web  (cont'd) What is it? Tips Tips (cont'd) 21 of 43 Software Secure connections What is it? Tips Tips (cont'd) Tips (cont'd) Tips (cont'd) Tips (cont'd) Tips (cont'd) FTP software FTP software (cont'd) FTP software (cont'd) FTP software (cont'd) FTP software (cont'd) Passwords Passwords (cont'd) Passwords (cont'd) Passwords (cont'd) Passwords (cont'd) What are they? How to avoid them Virus-scanning software

Tips (cont'd)

The use of all McGill computing facilities is governed by a Code of Conduct. The main points are:

  1. use the facilities in an effective, ethical and lawful manner
  2. use only facilities for which you have authorization
  3. do not share your access codes, passwords, etc.
  4. respect owners' copyrights for all software and data
  5. respect the policies established for networks and facilities, whether external or at McGill
  6. respect the privacy of others, including their e-mail, files, etc.
  7. don't carry out unauthorized commercial activities
  8. don't do anything illegal, including disruption, harassment, etc.
  9. provide valid and traceable identification for e-mail, logins, etc.
This is just a very brief and unofficial summary.
It is recommended that you read the full Code of Conduct.

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Bacon home page
R. Funnell

Last modified: Thu, 2007 Aug 16 17:50:54

Slide show generated from internet.html by Weasel 2007 Aug 16