Basic Computer Notions Computer trends

Next Some history Some history (cont'd) Vacuum tubes Vacuum tubes (cont'd) Vacuum tubes (cont'd) Transistors Transistors (cont'd) Magnetic cores Chips Chips (cont'd) Chips (cont'd) Chips (cont'd) Chips (cont'd) Chips (cont'd) Computers Computers (cont'd) Computers (cont'd) Computers (cont'd) 19 of 31 Future trends Future trends (cont'd) Future trends (cont'd) Future trends (cont'd) Future trends (cont'd) Future trends (cont'd) Future trends (cont'd) Communication trends The Grid The Grid (cont'd) The Grid (cont'd) The Grid (cont'd)

Computers (cont'd)

Things have changed a lot since then, and are changing faster than ever.
‘The computer technology in today's cars ... is 1,000 times more powerful than that which guided the [1969] Apollo moon mission.’ (Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers)

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R. Funnell
Last modified: Thu, 2009 Jan 15 16:36:53

Slide show generated from trends.html by Weasel 2009 Jan 15