Basic Computer Notions Computer trends

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Chips (cont'd)

Approximate chip-size relationships

Evolution of Intel CPU chips:
Bits Date   Transistors   Clock speed
Line width
Die size
4004 4 1971 2 250 0.1 10 000 13.5
8008 8 1972 3 500 0.2 10 000 15.2
8080 1974 6 000 2.  6 000 20.0
8088 16/8 1979 29 000 8.  3 000 28.61st IBM PC
8086 16 1978 29 000 8.  3 000 28.6
80286 1982 134 000 12.5 1 500 68.7
80386 32 1985 275 000 20.  1 500104. 
80486 1989 1 200 000 25.  1 000163. 
Pentium 1993 3 100 000 66.  800294. 
1994 3 300 000 75.  600148. 
1995 3 300 000 120.  350 91. 
Pentium II 1997 7 500 000 233.  350203. 
1998 7 500 000 300.  250131. 
Pentium III 1999 9 500 000 450.  250123. 
2000 28 000 000 533.  180106. 
Pentium 4 2000 42 000 0001500.  180217. 
2002 55 000 0002200.  130146. 
2004125 000 0002800.  90112. 
2006188 000 0003200.  65 81. 
Itanium 64 2001 25 000 000 733. 180 300. 
Itanium 2 2003 220 000 000 900. 180421. 
2004 592 000 0001300. 130374. 
2006 1 720 000 0001400.  90596. 
Core 2 2006 291 000 0001860.  65143. 
2008 800 000 000  45 

(These numbers are from various sources; see HTML source for references. The numbers are meant just to be representative. Often different versions with the same model name would have different specifications.)

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R. Funnell
Last modified: Thu, 2009 Jan 15 16:36:53

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