Basic Computer Notions Hardware

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The maximum number that can be stored in 64 bits (~2×1018)
‘is enough to provide a unique ID for one transaction per second for every person on the planet for the next 50 years. It is also the number of grains in about a cubic mile of sand.’
(From Special Edition Using Java, 2nd Edition)

1018 bits: estimated storage capacity of iPods sold in first 3 months of 2005.
(J. Cole (2005): Computer 38(9): 103)

‘Bits of genetic info’ doesn't include information other than base-pair sequences (e.g., Sci. Am., 2003 Nov & Dec)
‘No. of brain synapses’ as a measure of brain complexity doesn't include control by glial cells (e.g., Sci. Am., 2004 Dec)

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R. Funnell
Last modified: Sat, 2007 Mar 17 11:02:36

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