Basic Computer Notions Electronic mail

Next What it is What it is (cont'd) How it works How it works (cont'd) How it works (cont'd) How it works (cont'd) How it works (cont'd) Setup Setup (cont'd) Formatting (lack of) Formatting (lack of) (cont'd) Sending non-text files Receiving non-text files 14 of 33 One thing at a time Name and address Name and address (cont'd) Saving copies Replying Replying (cont'd) Short paragraphs Spam Spam (cont'd) How to respond to spam How to respond to spam (cont'd) How to respond to spam (cont'd) ‘Calm of mind, all passion spent’ ‘Observe with care: to whom you speak ...’ ‘... of whom you speak; and how, and when, and where’ Passwords Passwords (cont'd) Viruses Available e-mail clients

Subject lines

Always include a subject line which will be meaningful to the recipient.

When sending a message on a new topic, don't put Re: at the beginning of the subject line. By convention, Re: denotes a reply to a previous message, and it (or something similar) is added automatically by most e-mail software when sending a reply.

When replying to a message, don't specify a new subject line. Use the default Re: subject line.

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R. Funnell

The content of this page has not been seriously updated since 2007.
Last modified: 2020-05-16 13:16:51

Slide show generated from email.html by Weasel 2020 May 16