Assignment results
Grading scheme
0 | not done
1 | pathetic
2 | major problems
3 | mostly OK
4 | everything I ever wanted, and more
Assignment summary and components
- 1: Send article title via e-mail
- 2a: Send filename via e-mail, and FTP file
- 2b: Word-processor file
- 2c: Article summary
- 3: Change password
- 4a: Send name of e-mail list
- 4b: Discussion of e-mail list
- 5: Discussion of newsgroup
- 6a: E-mail chapter summary as attachment
- 6b: Chapter summary
- 7a: E-mail search description & Peruse output re chapter
- 7b: Medline search strategy re chapter
- 8: Web search re chapter
- 9: Read and summarize 2nd chapter
- 10: Birth date in binary
- 11: Read and summarize 2nd article
- 12a: Web pages: correctness
- 12b: Web pages: completeness
- 12c: Case presentation
See WebCT Camel site for results.
art FT wp su pw list ng ch peru web c2 b a2 pages cas
Name 1 2a 2b 2c 3 4a 4b 5 6a 6b 7a 7b 8 9 10 11 12a 12b 12c
Attwell, Andrew
Boucher, Gilbert
Dankoff, Frederic
Fieschi, Isabelle
Gonzalez, Anne
Hanson, Sonya
Housefather, Leslie
Miraly, Hafiz M.
Sen, Milan
Last modified: Fri Apr 17 07:28:04 1998