Computer Applications in Medicine Elective
2007 March
- wide range of student backgrounds
- wide range of student interests
Requested topics
- databases: how to setup and manage them
- to use Excel for all it's worth
- some basic web design
- improve ability to use presentation software
- become more efficient at literature searching
- make the practice of medicine more efficient
- clinic and office management
- know some basic structure and functions of computers,
including handhelds
- confidentiality
Comments from previous years
Great divergence of opinion.
Typical criticisms:
- Keep the material as relevant and applicable as possible!!!
- Some basic computer stuff may be interesting but you must remember
that we are physicians in training that need material that
is tied to our future work and that is useful.
- Basic HTML coding is irrelevant, should teach how
to use Web-design software.
- Section on e-mail, word processing etc. is a
little frustrating for students who have grown up with computers
and who have used these applications thousands of times.
While it is true that many of us have bad habits in using the
applications, and these may be worth addressing ...
- The Grygus article should be dropped completely. It annoyed
a lot of people and was clearly one-sided.
- The book chapters are too general.
- I wasn't excited about doing so many small assignments but
I found that they were instructive nonetheless.
- The HTML session should be done in the computer room
so that students can input code as the teaching is being done.
It would reinforce the concepts more and make it more interesting.
- review/overview lectures on some topics
- independent learning
- student readings and class discussions
- possibility of extra lectures or small-group sessions
- time for independent reading
Unix accounts
Accounts on
are provided
for the purpose of creating your own Web pages.
Because of the limited resources on Funsan, we ask that you use it
only for uploading files for your Web pages. We will entertain
individual requests for permission to do other things.
These accounts on Funsan will
be removed at the end of this course, except by special arrangement.
R. Funnell
Last modified: Tue, 2007 Mar 6 06:35:35