Basic Computer Notions WebCT bulletin board

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Logging in

The URL for WebCT at McGill is . Click on Login to MyWebCT to login. Once you have logged in, you will see a list of any WebCT courses in which you are registered.

Your UserID is normally of the form firstname.lastname. If you have trouble figuring out what UserID has been assigned, click on How to Login on the WebCT home page (upper right corner). You will be asked for your student number and your date of birth (in the form yyyymmdd.

Your initial WebCT password is your date of birth (yyyymmdd. You should change it the first time you login to WebCT.

You can also enter an e-mail address after you have logged in. Later that address can be used to retrieve your UserID and password if you forget them, by clicking on Forgot your password? Click here.

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R. Funnell
Last modified: Wed, 2004 Apr 14 09:18:01
Slide show generated from webctbb.html by Weasel 2004 Apr 14