In the USENET NEWS system, 'server' computers maintain compilations of people's posted messages organized hierarchically into newsgroups. Individuals use a newsreader programme to read messages of interest and to post their own messages.
The RISQ news server includes over 60 000 news groups.
Newsgroups are organized hierarchically. The seven official Usenet categories are the following.
(The numbers in parentheses are the numbers of newsgroups within each category, as found on McGill news server on 1998 April 7 and 2001 Apr 11, and on Google on 2006 Mar 15.)
comp | computers (1090/1158/1193 groups) |
misc | miscellaneous topics (148/206/231 groups) |
news | information about newsgroups (35/41/55 groups) |
rec | recreational topics (806/881/901 groups) |
sci | science (232/234/233 groups). Includes* (19 groups),* (33 groups) |
soc | society (327/309/334 groups) |
talk | debates about various issues (37/42/44 groups) |
In the Usenet categories listed above, there is a formal process for proposing, discussing and voting on the formation of new newsgroups. There are also many unofficial categories in which the rules don't apply.
Some widely known non-Usenet categories of groups are the following:
alt | 'alternate' groups that don't follow the Usenet rules (2390/9174/13833 groups) |
bit | mostly mirrors of BITNET LISTSERV groups (267/234/276 groups) |
clari | ClariNet (UPI) world news (commercial) (370/575/100 groups) |
There are also local newsgroups, for example -
mcgill | McGill University (43/139/3 groups) including 83 in the School of Computer Science (mcgill.socs, not counting 81 socs.* groups) in 2001, none in 2006 |
mtl | Montreal (9/10/9 groups) |
Web sites for finding relevant newsgroups:
You can read
messages in newsgroups, and post your own messages,
using a newsreader client programme such as the Discussion
Group component of Netscape. The name of the news server at McGill is
In Netscape 4 you specify the name of the news server
by selecting Edit
Mail & Groups
Groups Server
In Netscape 7, set up a Newsgroup account: in the Mail window
do New
Newsgroup account
. Specify
your identication information, then the server name.
In Mozilla, do Edit
Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings
In Mozilla, go to Window
Mail & Newsgroups
. In the list of e-mail folders on
the left will be an entry that says news
. Click on it and
help will appear on the right. Click on Manage newsgroup
- a Subscribe
dialogue box will open
and a hierarchical list of the available newsgroups will be displayed.
Select the one(s) you're interested in and click on Subscribe
When you're done, click on OK
. The names of the
selected newsgroups will appear in the list of e-mail folders on the left.
Highlight one of them and a download window will appear, to download
the messages for that newsgroup. To subscribe to another group, select