Each discussion group, or list, is identified by a list name and by the address of the computer which hosts it. All interactions are via e-mail. List-server software on the host computer manages an e-mail mailing list for each group. You send e-mail to the list-server programme itself to subscribe to one of its discussion groups, to find out who else has subscribed, etc. The e-mail message consists of standard commands, one command per line. There are 3 main list-server programmes in use: Listserv, Listproc and Majordomo, each with its own set of commands.
For some groups your subscription request will be handled automatically,
for others the list owner may screen it.
Once you have subscribed to a group,
you can actually send a message
to all the subscribers by sending
e-mail to the name of the group. You will automatically receive
messages from other subscribers via e-mail.
Slide show generated from lists.html by Weasel 2007 Mar 7