Basic Computer Notions Creating a Web site

Next 1 of 8 Putting HTML files onto a server Putting HTML files onto a server (cont'd) Putting image files onto the Web server Putting image files onto the Web server (cont'd) Testing your Web pages What information to put on a Web site What information to put on a Web site (cont'd)

Creating HTML files

HTML files can be created with any text editor, like Notepad under Windows. Save the file with the extension .html. To prevent Notepad from adding .txt to the filename, select All Files under Save as type.

HTML files can also be created with a word processor, but they must be saved as plain-text files with an extension of .html. Use File > Save As and choose a file type of, e.g., ASCII DOS Text.

If the text editor or word processor forces an extension of .txt after the .html, remember to remove it by renaming the file. (Note that MS Windows hides common file extensions by default, so you may have to adjust the appropriate option in order to be able to see the file extension.)

R. Funnell
Last modified: Tue, 2006 Mar 14 14:46:28

Slide show generated from server.html by Weasel 2006 Mar 14