HTML = Hypertext Markup Language
HTML was invented (along with the World Wide Web itself) by Tim Berners-Lee (and Robert Cailliau) at CERN in 1990 (see A Little History of the World Wide Web)
The Web started to become popular with the release of the Mosaic browser (not the first graphical browser, but the first for Windows and Mac) by NCSA in 1993
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) controls the standard for HTML. The specification for HTML 4 was released 1997 December.
HTML is a specific markup language defined within the framework
of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language).
(SGML is very
powerful but very complex and never became widespread.)
(valid except for
Last modified: Sat, 2007 Mar 10 15:45:22
Slide show generated from html.html by Weasel 2007 Mar 10