Basic Computer Notions Databases

Next Collections of data Reasons for a DBMS Reasons for a DBMS (cont'd) Database organization Flat databases Hierarchical databases Hierarchical example Hierarchical example (cont'd) Hierarchical example (cont'd) Hierarchical example (cont'd) Hierarchical example (cont'd) Hierarchical example (cont'd) Hierarchical example (cont'd) Hierarchical example (cont'd) Hierarchical example (cont'd) Hierarchical example (cont'd) Hierarchical example (cont'd) Hierarchical example (cont'd) Relational databases Operations on tables Relational examples Relational examples (cont'd) Relational examples (cont'd) Relational examples (cont'd) Relational examples (cont'd) Relational examples (cont'd) Relational examples (cont'd) Relational implementation Relational software Object-oriented databases Abstraction Encapsulation Modularity Hierarchy Examples of class hierarchies Example of object hierarchy 37 of 46 Object-oriented implementation Centralized databases Centralized databases (cont'd) Electronic Medical Records Electronic Medical Records (cont'd) Current efforts Current efforts (cont'd) Oacis DRG system

Examples of objects


physician(1) 123 smith
physician(2) 220 jones
mother(1) 123456 194605 150
mother(2) 649308 195409 174
mother(3) 238427 195204 162
mother(4) 732293 195810 155
mother(5) 392382 194912 177
baby(1) 481148 2.5
baby(2) 941830 3.6
baby(3) 743920 3.4
baby(4) 840238 2.7
baby(5) 230484 3.4
baby(6) 749200 2.9
baby(7) 538403 2.2
baby(8) 530284 3.7
baby(9) 638201 3.1
baby(10) 539208 1.4


delivery(1) 197511 physician(1) mother(3) baby(1) 61.8
delivery(2) 197512 physician(2) mother(5) baby(2) 57.4
delivery(3) 197706 physician(2) mother(5) baby(3) 58.2
delivery(4) 197801 physician(1) mother(3) baby(4) 64.1
delivery(5) 197803 physician(1) mother(1) baby(5) 60.3
delivery(6) 197902 physician(1) mother(2) baby(6) 58.7
delivery(7) 197906 physician(2) mother(4) baby(7) 59.2
delivery(8) 198005 physician(1) mother(1) baby(8) 62.3
delivery(9) 198101 physician(1) mother(2) baby(9) 57.9
delivery(10) 198205 physician(1) mother(2) baby(10) 55.2

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R. Funnell
Last modified: Wed, 2007 Mar 21 17:29:21

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