Next 1.1 Overall anatomy of the human ear 1.2 Anatomy of the human middle ear 1.2 Anatomy of the human middle ear (cont'd) 1.2 Anatomy of the human middle ear (cont'd) 1.2 Anatomy of the human middle ear (cont'd) 1.2 Anatomy of the human middle ear (cont'd) 1.3.1 Air cavities 1.3.2 Eardrum configuration 1.3.2 Eardrum configuration (cont'd) 1.3.2 Eardrum configuration (cont'd) 1.3.3 Ossicles 1.3.4 Anterior mallear attachment 1.3.5 Posterior incudal ligament 1.3.5 Posterior incudal ligament (cont'd) 1.3.6 Muscles 1.4 Changes with age 17 of 81 1.5 Human ear in macroscopic sections 1.6.1 Overview 1.6.1 Overview (cont'd) 1.6.2 Stapes 1.6.2 Stapes (cont'd) 1.6.2 Stapes (cont'd) 1.6.2 Stapes (cont'd) 1.6.3 Lenticular process of incus 1.6.3 Lenticular process of incus (cont'd) 1.6.3 Lenticular process of incus (cont'd) 1.6.3 Lenticular process of incus (cont'd) 1.6.3 Lenticular process of incus (cont'd) 1.6.3 Lenticular process of incus (cont'd) 1.7 Eardrum microstructure 1.7 Eardrum microstructure (cont'd) 1.7 Eardrum microstructure (cont'd) 2.1 Middle ear as transformer 2.1.1 Surface area 2.1.1 Surface area (cont'd) 2.1.2 Lever arm 2.1.3 Curvature 2.1.3 Curvature (cont'd) 2.1.3 Curvature (cont'd) 2.1.4 Combination 2.2 Middle-ear muscles 3.1.1 Békésy (1941) 3.1.2 Khanna (1970) 3.1.3 Other 3.1.3 Other (cont'd) 3.1.3 Other (cont'd) 3.2.1 Khanna (1970) 3.2.1 Khanna (1970) (cont'd) 3.2.2 Khanna & Decraemer (1997) 3.2.2 Khanna & Decraemer (1997) (cont'd) 3.2.2 Khanna & Decraemer (1997) (cont'd) 3.2.2 Khanna & Decraemer (1997) (cont'd) 3.2.2 Khanna & Decraemer (1997) (cont'd) 3.2.2 Khanna & Decraemer (1997) (cont'd) 3.2.3 Maftoon et al. (2013) 3.2.3 Maftoon et al. (2013) (cont'd) 3.2.3 Maftoon et al. (2013) (cont'd) 3.2.3 Maftoon et al. (2013) (cont'd) 3.3 Ossicular vibrations 3.3 Ossicular vibrations (cont'd) 3.3 Ossicular vibrations (cont'd) 3.3 Ossicular vibrations (cont'd) 3.3 Ossicular vibrations (cont'd) 3.3 Ossicular vibrations (cont'd) 3.4 Static pressurization 3.4 Static pressurization (cont'd) 3.4 Static pressurization (cont'd) 3.5.2 Indentation, etc. 3.5.3 Békésy (1949) 3.5.3 Békésy (1949) (cont'd) 3.5.4 Kirikae (1960) 3.5.5 Decraemer (1980) 3.5.6 Cheng, Dai & Gan (2007) 3.6.1 Voss <em>et al.</em> (2000) 3.6.2 Ellaham <em>et al.</em> (2007) 3.6.3 Todd (2005) 4.1 Sizes 4.2 Displacements 4.3 Time scales 4.4 Tissue types

1.4 Changes with age (cont'd)

Comparison of newborn and adult ears

After Fowler EP Jr. (1947): Medicine of the ear, 2nd ed., T. Nelson, New York)

Eardrum becomes more vertical with age. Or does it?

Fowler (1947): A large group led by Schwalbe believed that the newborn drum ‘slants much more than in adults’ but a group led by Siebenmann did not agree.

Siebenmann (1897, p. 265): The angle is only slightly less in newborns, and Schwalbe’s observation that it is almost horizontal was based on a deception.

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BMDE-501 Modelling middle-ear mechanics

R. Funnell
Last modified: 2024-01-06 19:31:54

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