Next 1.1 Overall anatomy of the human ear 1.2 Anatomy of the human middle ear 1.2 Anatomy of the human middle ear (cont'd) 1.2 Anatomy of the human middle ear (cont'd) 1.2 Anatomy of the human middle ear (cont'd) 1.2 Anatomy of the human middle ear (cont'd) 1.3.1 Air cavities 1.3.2 Eardrum configuration 1.3.2 Eardrum configuration (cont'd) 1.3.2 Eardrum configuration (cont'd) 1.3.3 Ossicles 1.3.4 Anterior mallear attachment 13 of 81 1.3.5 Posterior incudal ligament (cont'd) 1.3.6 Muscles 1.4 Changes with age 1.4 Changes with age (cont'd) 1.5 Human ear in macroscopic sections 1.6.1 Overview 1.6.1 Overview (cont'd) 1.6.2 Stapes 1.6.2 Stapes (cont'd) 1.6.2 Stapes (cont'd) 1.6.2 Stapes (cont'd) 1.6.3 Lenticular process of incus 1.6.3 Lenticular process of incus (cont'd) 1.6.3 Lenticular process of incus (cont'd) 1.6.3 Lenticular process of incus (cont'd) 1.6.3 Lenticular process of incus (cont'd) 1.6.3 Lenticular process of incus (cont'd) 1.7 Eardrum microstructure 1.7 Eardrum microstructure (cont'd) 1.7 Eardrum microstructure (cont'd) 2.1 Middle ear as transformer 2.1.1 Surface area 2.1.1 Surface area (cont'd) 2.1.2 Lever arm 2.1.3 Curvature 2.1.3 Curvature (cont'd) 2.1.3 Curvature (cont'd) 2.1.4 Combination 2.2 Middle-ear muscles 3.1.1 Békésy (1941) 3.1.2 Khanna (1970) 3.1.3 Other 3.1.3 Other (cont'd) 3.1.3 Other (cont'd) 3.2.1 Khanna (1970) 3.2.1 Khanna (1970) (cont'd) 3.2.2 Khanna & Decraemer (1997) 3.2.2 Khanna & Decraemer (1997) (cont'd) 3.2.2 Khanna & Decraemer (1997) (cont'd) 3.2.2 Khanna & Decraemer (1997) (cont'd) 3.2.2 Khanna & Decraemer (1997) (cont'd) 3.2.2 Khanna & Decraemer (1997) (cont'd) 3.2.3 Maftoon et al. (2013) 3.2.3 Maftoon et al. (2013) (cont'd) 3.2.3 Maftoon et al. (2013) (cont'd) 3.2.3 Maftoon et al. (2013) (cont'd) 3.3 Ossicular vibrations 3.3 Ossicular vibrations (cont'd) 3.3 Ossicular vibrations (cont'd) 3.3 Ossicular vibrations (cont'd) 3.3 Ossicular vibrations (cont'd) 3.3 Ossicular vibrations (cont'd) 3.4 Static pressurization 3.4 Static pressurization (cont'd) 3.4 Static pressurization (cont'd) 3.5.2 Indentation, etc. 3.5.3 Békésy (1949) 3.5.3 Békésy (1949) (cont'd) 3.5.4 Kirikae (1960) 3.5.5 Decraemer (1980) 3.5.6 Cheng, Dai & Gan (2007) 3.6.1 Voss <em>et al.</em> (2000) 3.6.2 Ellaham <em>et al.</em> (2007) 3.6.3 Todd (2005) 4.1 Sizes 4.2 Displacements 4.3 Time scales 4.4 Tissue types

1.3.5 Posterior incudal ligament

posterior incudal ligaments

Different configurations of posterior incudal ligament in different species.

Based on descriptions by
Kobayashi M (1955a): On the ligaments and articulations of the auditory ossicles of cow, swine and goat. Hiroshima J Med Sci 3: 331-342
Kobayashi M (1955b): On the ligaments and articulations of the auditory ossicles of the rat and the guinea pig. Hiroshima J Med Sci 3: 343-351
Kobayashi M (1955c): The articulations of the auditory ossicles and their ligaments of various species of mammalian animals. Hiroshima J Med Sci 4: 319-349

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BMDE-501 Modelling middle-ear mechanics

R. Funnell
Last modified: 2024-01-06 19:31:54

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