Electrical | Mechanical | Acoustical |
voltage | force | pressure |
current | velocity | vol. velocity |
resistor | dashpot | mesh |
inductor | mass | tube |
capacitor | spring | volume |
The analogies can also be inverted:
Equations have same form.
Electrical | Mechanical | Acoustical |
Block diagram of middle-ear model.
Applies to middle ears of most mammals.
Circuit model.
Note two components for eardrum.
More complex circuit model.
For example:
After http://xkcd.com/730/
In the finite-element method, a distributed
physical system to be analysed is divided into a number (often large)
of discrete elements.
The complete system may be complex and irregularly shaped, but
the individual elements are easy to analyse.
The division into elements may partly correspond to natural subdivisions of the structure.
For example, the eardrum may be divided into groups of elements corresponding to different material properties.
Most or all of the model parameters have very direct relationships to the structure and material properties of the system.
Relatively few free parameters ...
... if parameters are known a priori.
Model parameters:
In this model, there are different material properties for the triangles in
Qualitatively similar to experimentally observed patterns.
Varying mesh resolution to decide how fine a mesh is required:
Results will converge monotonically if
Based on maximum-displacement values, there seems to be little advantage here to using a mesh resolution greater than about 15 elements/diameter.
But why not use highest resolution?
Balance between required accuracy and
acceptable computation time.
Undamped natural frequencies and modes of vibration.
Increasing complexity of vibration pattern with frequency.
With damping, different areas of drum have different phases.
Recent gerbil model.
(Maftoon et al., 2015)
Frequency response of point on manubrium is smoother than those of points
on eardrum.
Note very large phase lag at high frequencies.
(Maftoon et al., 2015)
Variation of ossicular stiffness and moment of inertia (with fixed
axis of rotation)
Funnell (1983)
Variation of stiffness, density and thickness of pars tensa
Funnell (1983)
Variation of curvature and depth of cone
Funnell (1983)
Parameter sensitivity analysis in recent gerbil model
(Maftoon et al., 2015)
Sensitivity analysis showing interactions between parameters.
Effects on stapes footplate displacement:
(Qi et al., 2004)
Natural frequencies, and increasingly complicated mode shapes.
Spread of natural frequencies:
f10/f1 = 9.1
f10/f1 = 6.0
Ellipse with symmetrical ‘manubrium’:
f10/f1 = 3.8
Ellipse with asymmetrical ‘manubrium’:
f10/f1 = 3.4
Cat eardrum:
f10/f1 = 2.5
Damping smears the closely-space natural modes together.
Increasing the damping (left to right) smooths the curves more and more but leaves the overall levels and slopes unchanged.
Funnell et al. (1987)
Spread of response to point stimulus, with anisotropy.
Spread of response to point stimulus, without strong anisotropy.
Actual stimulus is a pressure.
Ossicular vibration is not (in general) around a fixed axis.
Depends on
Funnell WRJ, Khanna SM & Decraemer WF (1992):
On the degree of rigidity of the manubrium
in a finite-element model of the cat eardrum.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91(4): 2082-2090
Very thin bony connection
Shrapnell HJ (1833): On the structure of the os incus.
London Medical Gazette 12: 171–173
Funnell WRJ, Siah TH, McKee MD, Daniel SJ & Decraemer WF (2005): On the coupling between the incus and the stapes in the cat. JARO 6(1): 9-18 (doi:10.1007/s10162-004-5016-3)
Experiments by Cheng et al. (2007) on strips of eardrum:
Ogden hyperelastic model fitted to loading curves.
Motallebzadeh et al. (2013)
Prony series used to fit relaxation curves.
Motallebzadeh et al. (2013)
Motallebzadeh et al. (2013)
Simulation of tympanometry
Choukir, 2017
For example: increased cochlear-load parameter suggests otosclerosis (immobile stapes)
The fitting process is computationally expensive.
Running the simulations is computationally expensive.
Motallebzadeh et al., 2024
middle-ear mechanics