The system boundary conditions now consist of prescribed values for
some of the \(w_i\). One way to handle these
constrained \(w_i\) is to remove them from the vector
of unknowns – with appropriate node numbering,
\(\mathbf w\) can be partitioned into two parts, the
unknown displacements \(\mathbf w _1\) and the
prescribed values \(\mathbf w _2\). Partitioning
\(\mathbf S\) and \(\mathbf f\) correspondingly, we obtain
(Eqn. 13) |
(Eqn. 14) |
The system to be solved is now smaller.
R. Funnell Last modified: 2018-11-07 12:52:06
Slide show generated from fem.html by Weasel 2018 Nov 7