AudiLab research
Potential student projects
There are many potential projects available for students, as
thesis projects, course projects or summer projects. Some
possibilities are suggested here. Some projects require an engineering
or computer-science background, others are suitable for short projects
requiring no specialized background.
Middle-ear mechanics
Modelling studies
These studies are based on the use of 3-D computer-based models
for visualization, quantification and finite-element simulation.
- Quantification of anatomical variability of the ear
- Quantification of age-related anatomical changes in the ear
- Mechanical effects of variability among individuals
- Mechanical effects of age-related changes in newborns and children
- Effects of shape, non-uniformity, anisotropy
- Effects of non-linearity, visco-elasticity
- Effects of mutations and pathologies
- ...
Experimental studies
- Laser Doppler vibrometry for measuring middle-ear vibrations
- X-ray microCT and nanoCT imaging
- Small-scale measurement of biomechanical properties of tissues
- Serial-section histology and electron microscopy
Clinical applications
- Non-invasive diagnosis in newborns
- Design of middle-ear prostheses
- ...
3-D models for teaching and learning
- Creation of interactive models for teaching anatomy
- Virtual reality for surgical simulation and training
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of computer-based models
Tools for modelling
- Development of specialized software for 3-D image segmentation
- Use of haptics (force feedback) for 3-D image segmentation
- Use of haptics for interacting with 3-D models
- Development of a cross-platform VRML viewer with specialized features
- Implementation of a 2-D snake based on Tang et al.
(IEEE Trans. BME 53, 2006 May)
- Implementation of a 3-D snake
- Implementation of non-shrinking surface smoothing for multiple connected
- ...
AudiLab home page
R. Funnell
Last modified: 2018-07-03 08:55:34