Computer models of the middle ear
We develop computer models of the middle ear using the
finite-element method, which involves dividing a
complex structure into a large number of simple parts.
The model shown here includes:
- The eardrum (gray), seen from the inside.
Its conical shape and curved sides are important in
determining its behaviour.
- The three little bones (ossicles) of the middle ear:
- malleus (red)
- incus (green)
- stapes (blue)
These bones conduct sound energy from the eardrum to the
inner ear, where it is converted into nerve impulses.
- Various ligaments (yellow). These ligaments suspend
the three bones and in part determine how they move.
We can apply a simulated sound to the model and watch it
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R. Funnell
Last modified: Sun, 2005 Jan 2 08:27:06