This Web page provides animations of the measured data described in ‘Three-dimensional vibration of the malleus and incus in the living gerbil’, Decraemer, de La Rochefoucauld, Funnell & Olson (JARO, 2014, doi:10.1007/s10162-014-0452-1). Note that the stapes could not be measured with the experimental approach used.
Animation programs for datasets of 3 experimental animals, 9d8, 11d8 and 16d8, are made available. The applications were written in MATLAB and can be run on Windows or Linux computers using a freely available MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR).
The 64-bit GNU/Linux versions are available here. For the Microsoft Windows versions please visit BIMEF at the University of Antwerp.
For each animal a .tgz
file is provided which produces
5 files when unpacked by gunzip
and tar
. For
animal 11d8, for example, the file run_ani11d8.tgz
, the executable binary file for
the animation;
, a shell script for actually
running the animation under GNU/Linux;
containing instructions; and
Before running an animation you must install MATLAB’s MCR. It
can be downloaded from
For these animations, download version R2013b (8.2)
Store the downloaded
file in an empty directory somewhere (it’s big, almost 500MB), unzip
it, and give the command ./install
. Follow the
instructions, including acceptance of the licence agreement and
selection of an installation directory. Ignore the instructions about
environment variables, they will be taken care of by the
shell script.
Once the MCR has been installed, run the animation by
doing cd
into the directory where
the run_run
script was saved and giving the
command ./ mcr_dir/v82
where mcr_dir
is the directory that was selected
when installing the MCR.
A window will appear offering various settings. Once
the start animation
button is pressed, a window
will appear and disappear, and the steps of the animation will appear
slowly, one by one, before the final animation is displayed smoothly.
See Running an animation
for more detailed instructions.